My interview with Steve Yegge on Rhino on Rails Ode to the other Curl
Jan 30

Rotating Java and JavaScript on the Server

Ajax, Comic, Java, JavaScript, Tech Add comments

Rotating Java and JavaScript on the Server

I was chatting with someone about how, in 2008, you could build an application with GWT on the client side, and Rhino on Rails on the server side, and how that would mean flipping the roles of Java and JavaScript. Of course, this would be a flip BACK to the past:

Netscape LiveWire enables developers to create, modify, and maintain online sites and applications through a simple drag-and-drop, point-and-click environment. The environment uses the Java programming language and a Java-based scripting language to enable developers to create and execute Live Objects, or interactive multimedia content, within their applications.

24 Responses to “Rotating Java and JavaScript on the Server”

  1. robert 'kebernet' cooper Says:

    Don’t forget writing ASP pages with JScript!

  2. Anselmo Battisti Says:

    lol, very good the memory of one life programing.

  3. Alecs Galindo Says:

    lol is so true!! hohoho great!

  4. Thomas Hansen Says:

    Very funny :)
    Though the Ajax word wasn’t invented before February 2005 ;)

  5. Michael Mahemoff Says:

    LOL It’s funny because it’s true.

    Thomas is right, how about TAXI instead for ‘02.

    Loving all these new cartoons btw.

  6. Chris Kruse Says:

    “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

    So, does this mean that by 2014, we’ll be back to javascript clients with java backends?

    Made me chuckle. :)

  7. Phill Says:

    Chris Kruse: We need to make a longbet regarding that. Who knows?

  8. shuron Says:

    Good point! Javascript is back on server, what deja-vu :)

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    … really suck ass! – Just like IE6 JavaScript Engine does ;-)

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    lol, very good the memory of one life programing.

  21. Jason Wong Says:

    2010 has come,now,happy new year. i has always been confused by the concept that what are Java and Javascript. when i see your pictures, i completely relize that they are completely different.

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  23. The Cash Code Says:

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  24. Make Money Says:

    Great stuff, good for a laugh!

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