I Am Legend Does Last Minute Reshoots

November 16, 2007
Source: CHUD

I Am Legend

Here's an odd rumor for the day. CHUD has confirmed via an inside source that Will Smith's I Am Legend has had reshoots happen as late as last week. The movie is due out in theaters, both IMAX and regular, on December 14th, which means they've now gone to gun it to have it finished in time. As for what exactly was reshot, nothing is confirmed, but the source said that the ending was redone since the studio wasn't happy with the finale that director Francis Lawrence had originally shot. For fans of the original book by Richard Matheson, let's hope this doesn't mean it's going to be butchered even further.

At this point in time I'm looking forward to I Am Legend more than any other mainstream movie this November and December. If you haven't seen it, go watch the latest trailer. I'm not as concerned about the film's massive Hollywoodized departure from Matheson's original source material as some people are. Like with Will Smith's I, Robot, I enjoyed that film quite a damn bit, despite being full of excessive action and fight scenes that I'm sure Isaac Asimov hadn't written in his book. Now with I Am Legend, let's hope that an ending change isn't anything to be concerned about.

I'm not too familiar with the original story, so I can't speculate as to what they could have changed the ending to be. Does Robert Neville find a cure? Or is it something traumatic like he kills himself, the one chance for survival, right before the cure is discovered? Whatever the case may be, a studio jumping in this late in the game and forcing reshoots one month before it arrives in theaters isn't a good thing. Maybe it didn't have enough action? Although we'll never know the real story, it is something to keep in mind when we finally do see the ending.


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Without ruining the magnificence of the book for anyone, I'm going to let you all in on a little secret. SPOILERS EVERONE! He dies. And the studio probably didn't like it and said, "But how can we make sequels so I can buy my pet cat that diamond collar he's been eyeing every time we walk down Rodeo Dr.? We have to keep him alive." And POOF! Reshoots. Screw it, I'm not going to the theater to watch "I am Legend", I'm just going to watch a cool movie with cool stuff so when I leave the theater I can shrug and say, "Cool."

Mark on Nov 16, 2007


After reading much of the hype and speculation, and also the great coverage this movie is getting here, I started reading the book this past weekend. No worries on the spoiler, I figured he probably died in the end. I've seen the Omega Man enough times to assume that was his fate in the book as well. I must say, that it's definitely a page-turner and would recommend it to anyone just based upon the first half of the book alone. I hope they didn't reshoot the end with sequels in mind, because it would be a let down. I'll still go and see it at my local IMAX anyway. If it does end up being a suck-fest, at least I'll have seen the Batman preview.

Jedi on Nov 16, 2007


Will Smith fits really well into science fiction; I, Robot is a favorite here, too. I'm concerned by the studio interference (typically, never a good thing). Like post one said, let's hope it's not changes to artificially create a sequel situation. Just leave the Converse All Stars and other product placements at home this time, Will 😛

avoidz on Nov 18, 2007

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