Bruce Willis Joins Sci-Fi Thriller The Surrogates

November 19, 2007
Source: Variety

The SurrogatesScience fiction must be trying to make a comeback in these next few years! There's Wall-E from Pixar, Vin Diesel's Babylon A.D., and J.J. Abrams' Star Trek to name a few. Another one starring none other than Bruce Willis can now be added to the list. The Surrogates, directed by Jonathan Mostow (U-571, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines) is a sci-fi thriller that's set to start shooting in February in Boston with Willis in the lead. The Surrogates was originally a graphic novel from Top Shelf Comix and was adapted by Michael Ferris and John Brancato, the writers on Terminator 3 and the upcoming Terminator 4. So the Terminator 3 team is back at it but with Willis instead of Schwarzenegger this time!

The story is set in the near future, where humans live in isolation and interact vicariously through surrogate robots who are better-looking versions of themselves. Willis plays a cop who, through his surrogate, investigates the murders of others' surrogates. The cop is forced to venture from his own home for the first time in years and unravels a conspiracy.

The Surrogates is essentially the primary people (director Jonathan Mostow and writers Michael Ferris and John Brancato) involved with Terminator 3 coming back to work together again. I wouldn't expect it to be that similar, but at least have the same style and feel in a remote way. If you hated Terminator 3, you should probably steer clear, even if you're a big Bruce Willis fan. However, nothing in this world will ever top Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element, one of my own all-time favorite sci-fi movies ever. I've got to say, I really don't think The Surrogates has a chance standing up to any classic sci-fi, but it should be entertaining.


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I respect your opinion but please god don't let it be anything like the Fifth Element. I like Willis and loved Luc Bessons' Leon but this was one of the most self indulgent pieces of trash I've ever seen. Ridiculous costumes, Chris Tucker being incredibly annoying and a pretensious story where Leeloo is distraught at Man's inhumanity, violence and aggression to each other even though she just just kicked the shit out of the bad guys and ultimately used violence to get what she wanted.

Payne by name on Nov 20, 2007


Am I the only person who enjoyed the Fifth Element?

ramez on Nov 21, 2007

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