Watchmen's New York Backlot Photos

November 26, 2007
Source: Official Watchmen Blog,

Watchmen New York Backlot

You may be getting excited for Iron Man or The Dark Knight, but don't forget about Watchmen! Here's a big reminder that will slap you in the face. Zack Snyder has just posted a few photos from the completed New York City backlot set that they're filming on, including one with the mysterious Rorschach, and damn are they impressive! You would have never guessed that what you see is just a small set built up in Vancouver, BC. If you haven't been excited about this movie yet, then take a look at these, I guarantee you'll start to realize that Zack Snyder is truly bringing Watchmen to life.

The photos come from Zack's blog on the official Watchmen website. Zack introduced the new photos with some reassuring statements: "Since the New York City that is rendered in the graphic novel is so particular, it was very important to me that our backlot speak the same language, the vernacular of WATCHMEN. In addition, the backlot needs to function as many different parts of the city, countless store fronts, street corners, alleys, etc."

Click each photo for a fullsize version. You NEED to see these in high res to look at all the immaculate details and just how realistic it all looks.

Watchmen New York City Backlot Set
The film is set in the 80's in an alternate world and you can notice the Nixon reelection poster here.

Watchmen New York City Backlot Set
The Gunga Diner that Rorschach frequents in the graphic novel. Below is a scan of the Gunga Diner in the graphic novel to compare the look to the one in the movie.
Gunga Diner in Watchmen
On the actual set if you look out the windows the same way as the panel, it looks exactly like the street that you see in the background.

Watchmen New York City Backlot Set

Watchmen New York City Backlot Set
Another shot of the street where you can see part of the Rumrunner sign in the background.

Watchmen Rumrunner Doors
An extra shot of the doors to the Rumrunner. Courtesy of

If there's one thing Zack Snyder can do perfectly, it's tease the fans and build hype. Zack even has a list of interesting facts about the backlot, including things like: 5,800 feet of neon requiring 24,000 watts of power, 98,400 square feet of exterior scenery, 160,000 lbs. of steel I-beams support the facades, and 20,000 donuts were consumed by the construction crew. You can read all of them over at the Watchmen blog.

If you have any doubts about this graphic novel coming to the big screen, then hopefully these photos will at least put any worries you have about the set design to rest. They're pretty damn impressive, but I'd expect nothing less from Zack Snyder. Watchmen will arrive in theaters on March 6th, 2009. Stay tuned for more Watchmen coverage, photos, and more right here at!


Find more posts: Cool Stuff, First Look, Hype, Movie News



Yeah so... this pretty much just made my freaking day. Im am excited as all hell. Thank you!

CSpuppydog on Nov 27, 2007


Hate to sound like a whiner, but the Rumrunner door photo is an exclusive to my site provided to me directly by Warner Bros. It would be nice if you gave me a link and noted that in the story if you're going to reprint the photo. Not much to ask. Thanks.

DoomsdayClock on Nov 27, 2007



Reed on Nov 30, 2007


Cool shots. Am gonna have to add these to my blog. TY

Mike on Sep 8, 2008

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