Michel Gondry's Next Film - Return of the Ice Kings

January 5, 2008
Source: MTV

Michel Gondry

The visionary filmmaker Michel Gondry has continued to dazzle and impress and create one great film after another. Due out in a few months is Be Kind Rewind, his latest creation with Jack Black and Mos Def. But what sort of trippy madness will he follow that up with? MTV spoke with Gondry recently who spilled the beans about a new project known as The Return of the Ice Kings. This will be the fifth film he's written and it's about, as he explains, "a scientific story, but completely unrealistic." Just what I like to hear!

The Return of the Ice Kings, as Gondry describes, is "a story about kids who invent a water that makes you hear music when you drink it." What the heck? Gondry explains where it came from: "I'm into science - in fact, I read more about science and astronomy than about movies. Science is re-questioning itself all the time, and it's still at a stage where anything is possible." And obviously it shows, but I think Gondry can pull it off. However, it goes further than that, check this out: "At one point, they see the end of time in the movie, so, we'll have to shoot it somewhere that looks like the end of time."

Wow, just wow. Gondry is one of my all-time favorite directors and this just sounds like it could be fantastic, at least in his hands (and no one else's). This is supposedly his next film, although IMDb also has a listing for Master of Space and Time, with a plot about "two mad scientists that discover a way to control reality". Either one of these I would be happy to see Gondry make next. He continues to impress me with every new film and it shows he can still be a creative and inventive with filmmaker each time. How many other people are Michel Gondry fans, too?


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man, Michel Gondry has such a great imagination. Everything he comes up with just sounds so damn cool, and then the way he portrays it is simply perfect.

Nick O. on Jan 5, 2008


Eternal Sunshine is my favorite movie of all time and if he can pull off a film like that I'm sure one that involves "the end of time" and musical water will be brilliant. I can't wait to hear the casting for this film; Gondry has a way of reinventing actors to discover their full potential (i.e. Jim Carrey and Jack Black).

Matt Peloquin on Jan 5, 2008


Michael Gondry has an amazing imagination that other people can also join in on. While on paper his ideas sound less than stellar, his films are definitely amazing.

Ryan on Jan 6, 2008


It's possible that "Return of the Ice Kings" and "Masters of Space and Time" are the same project - they sound rather similar, but who knows. I'll go see anything he dreams up.

Katharine Osborne on Jan 6, 2008


I guess we have a while to wait for that... until the, the Tokyo! DVD comes out June 30 (www.tokyothemovie.com). I didn't think Gondy's was the best of the three, that went to Carax's Merde, but it was still amazing.

Justin on May 28, 2009

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