Neil Marshall's Doomsday Trailer Launches!

January 15, 2008

Doomsday Trailer

I hope you haven't forgotten about Doomsday, the newest film from The Descent director Neil Marshall that I featured a few weeks ago. A brand new trailer has launched for this sci-fi action thriller and it looks pretty awesome. If the first minute or so bores you, then just WAIT, because the thing really ramps up about 1:25 into it. By the end, if you're an action fan or Mad Max fan at all, you'll definitely be grinning. Although I was excited beforehand, now I'm even more excited. This looks absolutely badass! And there's a nice Rhona Mitra ass shot in the trailer, too.

If you're curious to find out more about Doomsday or read a great diary on the production from Neil Marshall, then head over to this article.

Watch the trailer for Neil Marshall's Doomsday:

[flv:doomsday.flv 560 238]

You can also watch the Doomsday trailer in High Definition on Yahoo

Doomsday is both written and directed by Neil Marshall, who previously wrote and directed 2006's horror flick The Descent and Dog Soldiers. The movie arrives in theaters on March 14th this year.


Find more posts: To Watch, Trailer



Looks great! Can't wait to see it.

Stephen on Jan 15, 2008


Neil Marshall is the fucking man.

nick on Jan 15, 2008


Looks like shit! I'll wait to see it.

Enola on Jan 15, 2008


Haha, I read your synopsis of the trailer before watching it, and when you said that fans of Mad max would be grinning, I took it with a grain of salt, being a huge fan of the style of mad max. Until 9as mentioned) 1:25 it looks slightly mediocre. 1:25 hits and they show they guy giving the monologe saying "This is our city", all mad max-ed out, and I had a grin on my face. The movie looks fantastic.

Travis on Jan 15, 2008


Holy shit! its that awesome guy from the Departed. Other than that, the movie looks like shit.

Vega Bro on Jan 15, 2008


Well...I can't say this really made me more interested in it. I actually liked it up till the 1:25 mark, then it went down hill from there. It doesn't look that original (everything in that trailer has been done before), but I loved The Descent, so I will probably give this a chance.

Jeff Warner on Jan 15, 2008


Enola, did you mean the shit or shit? Cause it does look like it'll be the shit! 🙂

Alex Billington on Jan 15, 2008


Yeah you forgot to put the in there. I think McDowell looks good in it.

Stephen on Jan 15, 2008


I started to get a little excited when they were using words like, "containment, outbreak, infected etc." I was thinking "I Am Legend, Dawn of the Dead, 28 Weeks Later. Then those Mad Max guys killed my Buzz. Looks pretty lame.

Sinner on Jan 15, 2008


Wow! Just wow! I've been following this project for months and months and man! This looks just freaking amazing! I love it all ready! This is Mad Max of our generation! Looks like wicked fun! "This is OUR city!"

Markus on Jan 15, 2008


Does every "post-apocalyptic" film have to have stupid hair styles, and gladiator like fights to the death? I just don't get it. Sure, the collapse of society would be bad, but you would think that even among the really angry people there would be a group of them that would not be a bunch of morons.

John on Jan 15, 2008


Haven't really heard about this film until now - I find it awesome that they quarantine Scotland and contain the virus in there! What I don't understand is that they filmed most of it in South Africa...anyone that has been to Scotland must realise the climate is a bit...different.

Kenny on Jan 15, 2008


I LOVE IT!!!! It has everything I like..... goes from 28 Days to I.AM.LEGEND to Escape from New York, then tralala on to Mad Max. F-yay Alex, this is fresh...

Breebaby on Jan 15, 2008


Early review

nick on Jan 15, 2008


Ok...Rhona Mitra looks amazing.

heckle0 on Jan 15, 2008


Looks cool but looks kinda average, however I do have faith in Marshall for it to be above and beyond. Very happy that it looks as if the studios gave him a big budget. However,

Ryan on Jan 15, 2008


Rhona Mitra looks like Kate Beckinsale with a bit of Bridget Monahan.

Ryan on Jan 15, 2008


OH! And that's not a bad thing at all :)...acting wise but otherwise nah.

Ryan on Jan 15, 2008


yeeea saw it at comic con looks cool

everett on Jan 16, 2008


Sorry Alex, I was aiming for SHIT. This looks like something coming from Uwe Bolls dreams, not in a good way. The guy made The Descent, great horror movie, and this is what he does next??? The movie might be good but it looks average at best... Give me 28 Months or Years Later...

Enola on Jan 16, 2008


Not so sure about this. Looks like it borrows a little too much from "Mad Max" and "28 Days/Weeks Later." I was hoping for something a little more original. For kids who didn't grow up with the Mad Max movies, this might look like something 'new,' but the rest of us know better. When you had the director/writer talking about the film and how it was more like a 'real' virus movie rather than a zombie movie, I had hope it was going to be cool, but this just looks like it is cliched in another way. Yeah, not a zombie movie...but a definite rip off of another big movie.

Movie Lover on Jan 16, 2008


Dude,This Trailer Is Awesome,And Rhona Mitra Got A Nice Ass For This Movie. Its Goin' To Be Great!!!!!!!!

Cam on Jan 16, 2008


as fun as this could be I want someone to create a movie where its post apocolyptic and everything, and some survivors who were cut off from the rest of the world (locked themselves away for 10-15 years) then come back and meet other survivors expexting weird hairstyles, monsters, and rival gangs/anarchy, only to find life and society rebuilding itself in a normal matter. I could see this convo going down: survivor 1: where are all the weird hairstyles, gang warfare and mutants? Survivor 2: you watched too many movies. heh, classic

Avelanch on Jan 16, 2008


why wud any1 bova watchin that??

superplex on Jan 16, 2008


And why would anyone learn to spell 🙂 Because isnt cinema just pure escapism?

tom on Jan 16, 2008


Well during the first half of the trailer I thought, "Hmm another zombie flick that could quite possibly be promising, and then they had to go Mad Max on em'. Yup, l think this one will be getting bootlegged...

Slim on Jan 16, 2008


Crap! Retarded! Bull! It looks Like I Am Legend with the end X-Men 3. I mean really make some new ideas.

XXX on Jan 16, 2008


Reminded me first of 28 weeks later then 300 and a few other movies. But id still see this. looks bad ass.

REAL6 on Jan 17, 2008


Rhona is one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood for my money.

mike on Jan 17, 2008


..mmm, escape from new york meets mad max done as only neil marshall could do... badly the movie looks shit .

russ on Feb 14, 2008


All of you say so much shit about how all these moives will be shit, crap, etc. How many moives have you made. Most ideas have been done already. At least 3-4 moives come out every Friday right take that and span it over 80 years, of course fewer moives at the begining of the Silver Screen. That is an insurmountable number of films. There are still ideas that have not been done, but mostly moives will pull from a basic Idea that has been done and try to build there own work off of it. I dout any of you could Act, Direct, Write for shit in the industry, so insted you must critizes and cut down every single film has a ton of people just spewing off at how much it will such or how they hate the director/ or actors. Those who cant do teach, those who cant teach become ctitics. Cant be a critic? Post ignorantly on the Internet. Film looks like a throw back to Mad Max and i will be in ine to see it next Friday. One more thing, Avelanch The talk about how all post apoctoliptic worlds are shit with gangs and wired hairdoes, etc. What about BattleField Earth, The Time Machine, The Postman, I AM Legend, there are plenty of Films that dont rely on the Gang War Future so dont freak out when they make one thay dont come out that often, i cant off the top of my head think of on in the last couple of years

Ripper on Mar 7, 2008

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