Sundance 2008 Day 4: It's Rob! And I've Got a Damn Cold!

January 22, 2008

Michael Stahl-David at Sundance 2008

Look who we found at Sundance! In case you've been living under a frickin' rock, that's Rob from Cloverfield, aka Michael Stahl-David in real life. I'll get back to him in a moment. Of all the things that could happen at Sundance, getting a cold is probably the worst. All of that damn orange juice I downed before I left I guess didn't help, and now I've got a stuffy nose, headache, and watery eyes non-stop. I hate to complain and whine, but it really sucks being here like this. It's so much harder to get emotionally involved in movies now, but I still try, and today was an awesome day anyway! At least it ended with the badass flick Hell Ride!

Sundance 2008So yesterday I thought I saw "Rob" in the lobby of the Marriott headquarters here at Sundance, but wasn't sure - I thought it was a ghost. Alas, it turns out that Michael Stahl-David is here for a movie at Slamdance called The Project. I thought I'd never see find again, but while running up Main Street to catch Hell Ride at 11:30PM, I spotted him heading the other way and couldn't resist. I'm not a big celebrity guy, but Rob just kicks ass and it would immortalize me forever to get a photo with him. So I asked, and he was incredibly nice, and then we proceeded onwards.

There's really nothing like the original Egyptian Theatre at midnight in Park City with Quentin Tarantino in the house. The fanboys packed the auditorium and greeted Larry Bishop's Hell Ride with immense excitement and appreciation. And I'll be the first to say, Hell Ride was a fuckin' blast! There's no better way to see a grindhouse-like movie than having Tarantino and the entire cast is sitting in the audience.

I've got to make this one short and sweet because I'll need as much sleep as I can get to try and stay healthy. I did do an interview with Sunshine Cleaning's writer and director earlier today, and I've got an interview setup with Michael Madsen on Wednesday, so keep watch for those. In the meantime, keep up with our reviews and coverage (as listed below) and hopefully we'll have some great interviews in the next few days.

Sundance 2008 Review List:

In Bruges - 8.5/10
The Yellow Handkerchief - 5/10
The Wackness - 9/10
Sunshine Cleaning - 6.5/10

Blind Date - 3/10
The Great Buck Howard - 8/10
Sleep Dealer - 5.5/10
Otto; or Up with Dead People - 0/10

Be Kind Rewind - 8/10
Smart People - 9/10
Pretty Bird - 7/10
Chronic Town - 7/10

Phoebe in Wonderland - 8/10
Sugar - 8/10
Choke - 7.5/10
Hell Ride - 9.5/10


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You got to meet Rob! Nice!

Stephen on Jan 22, 2008


Here's a tip for you: If you think you have a cold or are getting one: DO NOT DRINK ORANGE JUICE!! The sugar in the juice will help the germs multiply even worse. If you want to drink anything, drink hot orange tea (and don't put sugar in it!). Or just pile up on Vitamin C capsules from the health food store and/or acidophilus pills. Sorry dude, but drinking OJ probably made you worse. P.S. Rob seems like a nice guy. Nice to see he didn't actually get squashed flat.

badMike on Jan 22, 2008


Emergen-C dude. I thought everyone knew that.

ColKurtz on Jan 22, 2008


Are you sure you want to be on camera with this guy? Everyone else who shared a lens with him died! 🙂

jason_md2020 on Jan 22, 2008


HAhahahhaha, you're right Jason! Oh no the Cloverfied monster is attacking now!! Where is he?! Maybe I can try and survive?! But you know... not everyone died. One of them lived... 😉

Alex Billington on Jan 22, 2008


I have a mancrush on Rob since I watched Cloverfield.

Nate on Jan 22, 2008


Why do you think I asked for a picture Nate?

Alex Billington on Jan 22, 2008

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