FightCast - Round 4: Pre-Sundance - U2 3D and Cloverfield

January 25, 2008


Due to the lack of any extra time since the moment Sundance began last Thursday, this episode of the FightCast has been delayed until today. However, it's up now and I hope you all enjoy!

In this week’s FightCast, we fight about U2 3D, Cloverfield and briefly There Will Be Blood. We recorded the FightCast on the road to Salt Lake City to pick up a friend for Sundance 2008, and apologize for the delay in getting this up. U2 3D is the 3-D concert film which premiered this week in Park City. Cloverfield is the J.J. Abrams produced monster movie which hit theaters last Friday. And we talk a bit about Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood, which is in theaters now. Check it out!

If you're looking for high production value, look elsewhere. This isn't even a show, it's a conversation between two film geeks. The official website has launched - and for all future episodes and to subscribe to the podcast, head right to: FilmFightCast.com!

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Don't worry, we got a lot of fighting to do from Sundance. We haven't recorded any yet, but we might record a couple this weekend before it's over...

Alex Billington on Jan 25, 2008


PLEASE talk about Funny Games next fightcast. It will be epic.

Bill on Jan 25, 2008


Talk about overhyped! No not CLOVERFIELD...that lived up to the hype and then some. I refer to the THERE WILL BE BLOOD score by Jonny Greenwood. Give me a flippin' break, guys. It's a serviceable score for a brilliant film, but for some odd reason "people" seem to believe that this score deserves every film score award known to man. You clearly recorded this before the Oscar Nominees were announced. Surely you know that THERE WILL BE BLOOD was NOT even eligible for an Oscar nomination because too much of it was "not original." And as hard as it is for me to admit it, The Golden Globes got it right...for once - ATONEMENT, although it doesn't slap you around like BLOOD does, is a phenomenal work and is actually "original." I don't believe we will EVER see the Globies AND Oscars get it right in the same year, so my prediction is that THE KITE RUNNER will get the Oscar - not that it deserves it...it will will just because that is how the Academy rolls - year after friggin' year. Also, no need to apologize for talking about film scores! 😉

Christopher on Jan 25, 2008


There will be blood was so wack!!! The best thing about it is the title "There will be blood" Cloverfield was great and I hope they make a sequel from a different perspective. Ok now I work in a barbershop, Midtown Barbershop and we've been having a discussion on who would win in a fight Godzilla or The Cloverfield monster? Aside from Godzilla having great speed and agility he has a lot of weaknesses so I think the monster from Cloverfield would win pretty easy. What do you guys think?

Tirrell on Jan 25, 2008


LOL Let's break that fight down rationally. Shall we? I think Godzilla has got the height advantage on Mr. Cloverfield. However, the agility factor definitely goes to Evander Cloverfield over the original G'Zilla. (That piece o' crap "Zilla from the late 90's is disqualified for simply being the worst monster in the worst monster-movie ever.) Now...amidst crowd-chants of "Gojira! Gojira! Gojira!" in the later rounds, I think the guy inside the rubber Godzilla suit would have to come out because it would be just too dang hot in there. With the pathetic sight of a crumpled, rubber Godzilla suit lying in the middle of the ring (or demolished city) ... he'd eventually drag his sweaty-arse over to the PC and simply delete the Evander Cloverfield 3-D file. And there you have your winner by TKO (Technological Knock Out).

Christopher on Jan 25, 2008


C'mon Godzilla?! The old Godzilla was terrible with that retarded flame and he was awefuly slow. The new Godzilla was a lot faster but where's the flame? Plus he was a chicken shit he ran from everything and the humans disposed of him fairly easy. Now the Cloverfiled monster has pretty nice agility, very tough skin, great strength and little soldiers to help which in turn bite you and you explode!!! C'mon Chris. Cloverfield monster by straight up knock out! That leaves Cloverfiled to face King Kong and King Kong has great spead and strength but I don't think he has the smarts to win. A girl got him caught, a girl got him chased up a sky scraper and killed with planes that don't come close to today's technology. Again my vote goes to the Cloverfield monster seeing how he face today's technology and from what we all know or think, he could still very well be alive. The new, undisputed, heavyweight champion of the woooorld, the one, the only Cloverfield Monster!!!

Tirrell on Jan 26, 2008


yeah, i think that cloverfield is pretty much the coolest movie monster i have ever seen, not to mention one ofthe most original and destructive. and how tall is godzilla exactly? i read that cloverfield was 400 feet tall and if godzilla was bigger than that, he would probably collapse under his own weight. 🙂 and if not, cloverfield could just bite and/or claw his nuts! that would make me back down from a fight...

Kirk on Jun 21, 2008

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