Harvey Weinstein Wants Another Rambo Sequel?

January 28, 2008
Source: Deadline Hollywood


The latest film in the Rambo franchise opened just this past weekend to mediocre results. The film placed second below Meet the Spartans with a box office total of $18.1 million over the weekend. However, Harvey Weinstein, of The Weinstein Company, mentioned to Nikki Finke at Deadline Hollywood that he wants to see yet another sequel, and "even has a plot in mind 'bringing the character back to the United States'." Although the franchise presumably just finished up with the fourth Rambo film, apparently Harvey still has more in mind.

Harvey, who turns 56 in March, told Nikki Finke that "I like the idea of an older guy kicking ass. Maybe it's because I'm older, too." Who doesn't like the idea of a 61-year-old Sylvester Stallone kicking more ass? Our own reviewer Ken Evans said that he "applaud[s] Sylvester Stallone for giving us closure to his iconic characters" in his review of Rambo. What I've been hearing from almost every one of my friends is that actually isn't that bad of a film, but it's also a good final farewell to the beloved killing-machine character. But that's the key - everyone I've talked to has said it was a great farewell, which brings up the question of how a sequel would play out with fans of Rambo.

As with The Bourne Ultimatum, I have a feeling that fans wouldn't be very happy if they went on and made a fourth film. It's not at all because they would've love to see Matt Damon back again, it's that Ultimatum was such an amazing finale. Paul Greengrass really pulled off a great conclusion that built up through three films and ended perfectly. It would be a shame to see them try and restart the franchise that ended so perfectly, and the result probably wouldn't even come close to being as good. That's the same problem I foresee with trying to bring Rambo back as well.

For now, take this as just one big rumor. For all we know, Harvey could have just been saying that for the fun of it, and it's highly unlikely that another sequel will be made. Everything in this world is always taken out of context and rarely said seriously, and with Harvey Weinstein and Nikki Finke, I'm guessing that's the case. However, it is very fun to speculate and talk about such a rumor, so have at it!


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I loved this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Leave it alone. They ended it perfect!!!! Even thou i wanna see Rambo kick more ass. How about Tango and Cash 2 or Cobra 2

REAL6 on Jan 28, 2008


Yeah...they should make another one. Have Rambo throw feces from his adult diapers at the Burmese. That one should be violent enough for the idiots that liked this film.

Heckle on Jan 28, 2008


The only feces that would be thrown is your own...

REAL6 on Jan 28, 2008


OMG...stop using my name. I am the only Heckle. Rambo was a good action movie and a fitting end to the series. I think they should end it here.

Heckle0 on Jan 28, 2008


Great flick! Respect to all fans of action and the"Rambo" series. I also give props to Sly for gracing us with his presence on the silver screen. Now Heckle on comment #3, you should really watch what you say and who you try to insult. There are legions of "Rambo" fans and fans of this great movie and nothing--absolutely nothing, gives you the right to bash the audience. It is quite clear, and I'm sure others will agree, that the biggest idiot and horse's ass commenting here is you!(comment #3) So back off get a life and take a hard look into the mirror then get a clue---you freakin IDIOT!!!

Spider on Jan 28, 2008


I think that Stallone wants to bury his characters with dignity. We saw that in the last sequel of Rocky. I want to honor that and give him the best wishes...

Tommy Villarreal on Jan 28, 2008


I had a BLAST at this movie! Alex, you have to see it. As a matter of fact, when you (finally) get home, give me a ring and I'll meet you there.

Andrew on Jan 28, 2008


What a fantastic movie i ever seen...Sly can be say old but cannot be say in this film...he got same emotion and action in this rambo flick...He was the best among all. I still cannot believed that this 61 year old guy can act like that.running in jungle...Nice picturisation, realitic, Most of all action! action! action...Today's actors have to see him for hispassion on movies..Sound quality..excelent...have to see multiple time for satisfy...hell of ride action................

Gana on Jan 28, 2008


Ditto with most of the above. This is the most fun I've had @ the movies since Tombstone. No joke. Stallone ripped it. To those talkin' sh!t on his age; you know he could beat your ass with one arm tied behind him. Can you say Yoked?!

Sinner on Jan 29, 2008


Hello people? These are movies we're talking about here, and people watch these things for entertainment, nothing more. Rambo's a fighting machine, so give us more Rambo.

Adrian on Jan 3, 2009

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