Sly Stallone Hasn't Retired Yet - Directing 2 More Action Movies!

February 4, 2008
Source: Hollywood Reporter

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone

Despite that Sylvester Stallone publicly said that Rambo has finished and he isn't making another one, it doesn't mean that he's fully retired yet! Hollywood Reporter brings news that Stallone has signed a deal with his producing partners at Nu Image/Millennium Films to direct and star in not one, but two more action films! Hot damn I can't wait! Stallone explains: "The past year and a half of working with Avi, his partners Danny and Trevor and his film family has been nothing but a high point for me and my career and an extremely rewarding experience."

Who would've guessed that Sly Stallone would've turned into a successful filmmaker on top of being a movie star. He directed Rocky Balboa in 2006, which turned out to be a huge success, and just put out Rambo a few weeks back, which has also been a box office success so far. Both films were the finale in their respective franchises, but that doesn't mean Stallone has to retire yet! The deal Stallone signed is with the same producers who worked to finish Rambo with him this year. I guess they're as happy with the results as Stallone, too!

The WGA just signed an interim deal with Nu Image/Millennium Films, which means scripts for Stallone's next movies can actually start to come together. However, it sounds like Stallone won't be writing them. The first script is expected to be "locked and loaded" by the fall of 2008. As for what to expect, we don't have a clue and I'm guessing neither they do. I'm sure they're going to find something that sounds awesome and Sly would love to do and just go from there. As long as Stallone keeps up the great work, I'm all for his career to continue!

Now if only we could get Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone to star together in an action film... That would be a dream come true!


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thats so beyond awesome. I'm pumped

Billy on Feb 4, 2008


Ooh, Sly and Arnie together! That would be perfect! Remember how they used to reference to each other in their films? Like the "President Arnold" in Demolition Man. Who would have guessed that he would be now a governor? I would love to see Stallone in some new action franchise. Just something completely different than what he's done before.

Melinda Seckington on Feb 4, 2008


Inglorious Bastards???

REAL6 on Feb 4, 2008


i absolutely LOVE Stallone and will always support his movies. GET EM' SLY!

ethermay on Feb 5, 2008


If you really want to see a FANTASTIC Stallone movie, and I cannot even begin to describe my love for this film: "Get Carter". One hell of a fantastic film. Just a perfect character for Sly.

ethermay on Feb 5, 2008

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