Updates on The Dark Knight's Viral Marketing - New Gotham Times Released!

March 26, 2008

The Gotham Times

The next phase of The Dark Knight viral campaign has started rolling out. A new issue of The Gotham Times has been posted on that website - - and the Harvey Dent campaign website - - has been revamped a bit with better graphics and campaign news. In addition, a plethora of new Gotham City related websites have appeared, courtesy of the latest issue of the newspaper, and the Joker has contacted all of his "people" again via text message on the cell phones distributed earlier. We will certainly be following this next phase at it begins to ramp up. However, the one thing that is certain - they're putting together one hell of a big election.

We just received an e-mail update from Harvey Dent's campaign website stating "We did it! Harvey Dent has officially announced he's running for Gotham District Attorney!" However, he's not alone. His two main competitors - Roger Garcetti and Dana Worthington - have started their campaigns, too. Garcetti is currently acting DA and has vowed to run the "cleanest campaign in Gotham history." Dana Worthington is one of Gotham's outstanding citizens - she is the founder of the Gotham Victims Advocate Foundation ( More info for her can be found at -

Gotham City District Attorney

A few more websites have popped up, including a very informative Drudge Report mimic called Maiden Avenue Report - New sites for more Gotham City services including, and have also launched. One other site that has appeared is Citizens For Batman - If I had to choose one group to support (over Harvey Dent or Joker), it would definitely have to be Batman. So I sent them an e-mail asking about joining and got this response back:

Dear Gotham Citizen,

Thanks for expressing your interest in joining Citizens for Batman. The easiest way you can join is by attending a meeting. Check the web site for meeting times. If you can't attend, you can always lobby City Hall to support Batman and stop any talk of his being arrested.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Brian Douglass
Founder and President, Citizens for Batman

I'm already loving this third phase of the viral marketing campaign and can't wait to see what's next. Last time something this big launched they went as far as putting cell phones in cakes. And you probably heard about the ruckus that all those Harvey Dent supporters made over the weekend. If all of that was just the start of this entire thing, then how far will they go next?!

We mentioned this originally a few weeks ago when the Dentmobile campaign was kicking off, but most believe that an actual election will eventually take place (at You had to submit your photo supporting Harvey Dent in order to become a registered voter in Gotham City. This whole idea for an election is, to say the least, pretty nuts. And obviously Dent has some strong competitors, so it's not going to be as easy of a win as we all thought. However, I will say, hosting an actual election with millions of people is a pretty immense marketing stunt.

Stay tuned for more updates on The Dark Knight viral marketing campaign as we receive them. Check out all of the websites above and let us know if you come across anything else new or exciting.


Find more posts: Hype, Viral Marketing



Didn't get my papers and buttons today in the mail, hopefully soon. This viral campaign has been a really fun ride.

Stephen on Mar 26, 2008


Hey guys, check out the gotham times, in the "Letters to the Editor Section", look for "Dent cannot be believed" Read it !!! It's a letter from Edward Nashton. Who is E. Nashton?? Straight out from wikipedia: The Riddler (Edward Nashton, alias Edward Nigma or sometimes Nygma) cool, uh?

bltzie on Mar 26, 2008


Whoa, that's awesome!! I also noticed that DJ ad on Page 3 - the DJ's name is DJ Tux. I was thinking about the Penguin... Wondering if there are any other penguin references in the paper as well?

Alex Billington on Mar 26, 2008


There was something about the Zoo, people think that would be the Penguin.

Stephen on Mar 26, 2008


Alex.. I know you warned me about flaming Batman... but I am intrigued to know who is going to be drawn in by this campaign that was not already interested (and probably going to see the flick) It is fun.. and I love the Riddles ... part of why the Cloverfield campaign was so much fun... Maybe I am just way off base ... but I am still thinking that this is not appealing to the non-comic genre fans that will help this film explode with record sales. and before someone says I am blasting the movie.. of course, I am still going to see it.

Dusty on Mar 26, 2008


oh and YES>>> I AM HOOKED and READING THE TIMES as well... hahahaha...

Dusty on Mar 26, 2008


hey alex, i don't know if you know this, but you're on the page. second pic under the Colorado Springs uh...button.

craziemutant on Mar 27, 2008


hahaha great find!

bltzie on Mar 27, 2008


Hey guys...Anybody notice this?

Mark Cothran on Mar 27, 2008



Mark Cothran on Mar 27, 2008


haha. wow, Mark. you comment on an article before you read it? haha. but it's cool.

craziemutant on Mar 27, 2008


The Joker's text message: "Hey clown! Long time, no crime spree! Well, put on your floppy shoes and answer this question: are you ready to get to work? (ReplyY/N) If you reply Y, you'll get back: "Glad to see you're still alive and kicking. I'll be in touch before Poisson d'Avril." So, looks like we'll hear from The Joker before April Fools' Day (April 1). " Looking forward for the next few days!

bltzie on Mar 27, 2008


bltzie, do you have a joker phone or have you been doing your homework?

craziemutant on Mar 28, 2008


Oh how I wish! I live in Santo Domingo =(. definetely the way any of you guys owns or knows someone with a joker phone/?

bltzie on Mar 28, 2008


i don't know if all 22 read/post in the forum i'm in. but a nice handful swing by. i can't name who has them, though. haha. but i know they're there.

craziemutant on Mar 30, 2008

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