Confirmed: Anchorman News Team Definitely Returning!

May 5, 2008
Source: Collider


After initially reporting a rumor back in February that Will Ferrell wanted to bring back Ron Burgundy in an Anchorman sequel, we now have some confirmation. Collider recently caught up with Will Ferrell's friend and collaborator Adam McKay, who directed Anchorman, Talladega Nights, and the upcoming Step Brothers. McKay told him that they're definitely going to do Anchorman 2, but probably not for another two years. Hell yes! I don't mind the wait - just bring Ron Burgundy back! He's one of the greatest characters Will Ferrell has ever created and the other members who make up the news team are some of the best comedians around.

McKay told Collider that "we're going to do it, for sure" and was asked if that meant it was 100% going to happen. His answer: "We're dying to do it. Unless we can't get the cast together, which is always kind of a tricky thing. But, I think, with that cast we're all friends, so yeah, we want to do it." As always, this doesn't mean it is in production and everyone knows that in Hollywood, nothing is official until it's being filmed, but for now it sounds like they're really going to try and make it in two years. Ferrell has already reportedly been reprising his role as Ron Burgundy in live comedy tours.

I said it originally and I'll say it again - damn I can't wait to see this come back! I loved Anchorman, almost more than any other Will Ferrell movie, and it would be amazing to see them return with the original cast and all creative talent attached. I can already foresee this even becoming better than the original - but that might be tough to achieve. Either way, I'm going to cross my fingers and hope Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, and David Koechner all return!

Are you excited to see the Anchorman news team return to the big screen?


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woot woot!!

silver on May 5, 2008


his best movie ever other than old school, im psyched out of my mind.

zach on May 5, 2008


OK.. I will give in and also say I am looking forward to it... his wittiest performance to date was Anchorman... yes plenty of stupid humor also.. but as long as they at least give it some thought it should be worth it.

Dusty on May 5, 2008


Hollywood, have you been reading my diary?... 😀

Tom Brazelton on May 5, 2008


YES!!!!!, ron is my fav will character! i cant wait =]

PHATBOY_x on May 6, 2008


Kill me now!

Jeff Warner on May 6, 2008


Kill me now!?? "Anchorman" is freakin' hilarious. And if they can bring back the entire cast, and writer and directors, I'll be first in line.

Rob on May 6, 2008


Ron Burgandy is great, but it was everyone else orbiting around him that made the movie great. Like the 40 Year Old Virgin. It was that balancing act that made both movies fun to watch.

DCompose on May 6, 2008


boooooyaaaah i loved the first Anchorman it was hilarious and i cannot wait for the next movie great news!!!!

Curtis on May 6, 2008


YES! Definitley good news for a seque :)!

Ryan on May 6, 2008


Whammy!! nuff' said!

R-two D-twizzle on May 6, 2008


Don't forget about Ms. Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate). No mention of her at all in the article 🙁 Won't be the same w/o that love/hate twist.

Jen on May 10, 2008

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