Wall-E's Andrew Stanton Writing John Carter of Mars Movie

June 8, 2008
Source: The Pixar Blog

John Carter of Mars

The news that Pixar would be adapting Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic sci-fi series John Carter of Mars has been out since last year, but only recently has it been confirmed that Andrew Stanton is writing the adaptation. Back in October last year, Pixar confirmed that they're working on making a total of three John Carter of Mars films, with the first arriving sometime before 2012. Details have been rather sparse since then, most likely because Disney and Pixar want to keep the project a secret for the time being, but some confirmation has finally arrived. The Pixar Blog confirmed directly from Wall-E director Andrew Stanton himself that he is indeed currently writing John Carter of Mars.

There aren't too many details known yet, but this is great news for fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs' series. In addition to directing Finding Nemo and Wall-E, Stanton also wrote the screenplays for Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, and Wall-E. While John Carter of Mars isn't exactly family friendly like all of the previous films Stanton has made, it's a wonderful opportunity for both Stanton and Pixar to branch out and explore in a new genre. The project has been in production hell for quite some time but it now seems like Pixar is the studio to finally move it into the production stage.

The Princess of MarsThe first novel in series, titled The Princess of Mars, was originally published in 1917. John Carter is a red blooded American civil war hero and fighting man from Virginia. A strange incident whilst prospecting in Apache country propels him to Mars where he immediately encounters the enormous war-like green men of Mars and the planets equally alien landscapes, animals and technology. Soon Carter falls in with the red men (and their beautiful red women, including Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, in particular) and his non-stop adventures begin.

I'm not all that familiar with the series, but others, like Hunter of SlashFilm, seem quite enthusiastic about it. Considering it's a beloved sci-fi classic and considering Pixar never goes wrong, I'm expecting this to be nothing less then extraordinary. Of course, it would help if I read a few of the books first, but considering this won't hit theaters for at least another three years, I think I've got some time. One of the most intriguing rumors surrounding this project involves whether Pixar will make this their first live action feature or whether it will be animated or whether it'll be some interesting combination of the two. However they decide to do it, I'm sure I'll end up as enthusiastic as Hunter by the time it hits theaters.

Full photo of Frank Frazetta's John Carter of Mars art (seen at the very top) can be found here. Does John Carter of Mars sound more like a Pixar movie you'd be interested in instead of Cars 2?


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Pixar with live action??? Hmmm, nah for me. Just stick with what you are good at: animation.

Ryan on Jun 8, 2008


Considering the subject material & Pixar's tech know how, the coolest thing they could do is give this the Beowulf treatment.

jason_md2020 on Jun 8, 2008


I've never read the book or even heard of them, but it sounds interesting and would love to see where Pixar goes with this trilogy.

Curtis on Jun 8, 2008


I've read the entire Mars series, and while I'd love to see it on film. Live action is the only way to go for me.

Conor on Jun 8, 2008


The John Carter series is an epic pulp-fantasy and for adults only: Every SF&F lover should read it! I've always fantasized about a movie of it...and in the style of Frazetta's art! If they would go for a live-action version Pixar's involvement would not be necessary. A 3D animation version is the most likely option. However I'm afraid they will strip it down to tame PG13 version, which will make the required cash...but that's not the way to this. Only a Conan/Lord of the Rings version can satisfy the real fans.

Tschai on Jun 8, 2008


If Pixar is as good at story and passion with live action as they are with animation, this will be phenomenal

Josh on Jun 8, 2008


as much as I'd like the Carter series to be up on film, and as much as I'm a fan of Pixar, I don't think the two would mix adequately. I want a full R-rated film with all the grit and sexiness required for a movie like this.

Alfredo on Jun 9, 2008


I've read the whole series and Lord of the Rings certainly comes closest to what Barsoom could be, as far as the PG-13 fantasy battle elements. John Carter has elements of science fiction and fantasy, with an otherworldly historical epic quality, as well as drama and superhero adventure attributes. Altogether, I'd say it could be one of the most exciting films to appear in a while, a combo of about five of the most popular genres. I wish Andrew Stanton and Mark Andrews and their team all the best as they work on this! Sincerely, Abraham Sherman P.S. To the talented folks at Pixar: Take your time!

Abraham Sherman on Jun 23, 2008


there is a lot of lore to this book, its worth looking up the history of this film its literally been almost 100 years in the making

Jont on Jun 24, 2008


Yay!! well kind of yay I agree with you Alfredo. I wonder will they do The Chessmen of Mars? Hum Hopefully this will be as amazing as the books are but I guess we will all have to wait.

BlueM on Sep 23, 2008


I made a trading card series in 1997 called THE CHOPPER CHICKS OF MARS. Inspired by the J.C. series I made cartoony pin up looking characters of the women of Mars. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1607045316&ref=name#/photo.php?pid=30120356&id=1607045316

Paul Dale on Feb 20, 2009


Curtis..never heard?! Man, you would like..believe me. This is the greatest adaptation that would come since Lord of the Rings. Better than Dune. John Carter of Mars is a 12 book series. Read it "if" you can find it and you Will Be fully on board. It amazes me how many people never heard of it! I first start reading them in 1982, when I also discovered the Conan books. Though I am a purist and stay mainly with the Conan creators books--meaning Robert E. Howard. Arnold was a fraction of Conan. I wish they would stay with it and get a real actor in there as Conan, instead of just lettin it peter out in an even sadder TV series. Anyway I'm drifting. For myself John Carter of Mars is the best Sci-Fi I've ever read in terms of character, comraderie and adventure. This, like Lord of the Rings, if done right, is another series that will blow the socks off the general audience. "If done right" though is the real question. This is the right time, because like Lord of the Rings, only now do we have the special effects that could handle it...and like LOTR quality acting needs to be there as well. Please guys, do this one right!! No Animation!! Go BIG BOX OFFICE. You'll only cheat yourselves if ya don't!

David Mustoe on May 23, 2009


I have just read where the John Carter/Mars books will finally be filmed. AS far as other adventure stories go, these are great, as well as the Venus books and Pellucidar, also writteen by ERB. Lets hope they stay true to the story and the mental pictures that I developed when I was 12!!!

John Dickson on May 26, 2009

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