Another Badass Poster for Rob Zombie's Tyrannosaurus Rex

July 29, 2008

Another Badass Poster for Rob Zombie's Tyrannosaurus Rex

Rob Zombie has debuted yet another badass poster for his upcoming film Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although we've continued to see more and more early concept art, no one still really knows what it's about. The first poster we ever received proudly touted "51% Motherfucker, 49% Son of a Bitch" and now this one simply says "Fuck The World." Definitely an intense attitude, but Zombie's hooked me. I'm already interested in this film and, as I said, I still have no clue what it's going to be about. But I'm currently digging the "badass trend" in Hollywood and this definitely fits the bill. Hopefully any confusion about the story will clear up sooner than later and we'll have some concrete details. Until then, "f*ck the world!"

This poster yet again comes from Rob Zombie's official MySpace page. Zombie has been consistently releasing concept art drawn by Alex Horley and this is the latest one to hit the web.

Rob Zombie's Tyrannosaurus Rex

In our last post about Tyrannosaurus Rex, we tried to decipher what the story might be about. Apparently Zombie hasn't even started shooting this, so it's not like we can ask any crew members, but apparently the film focuses on a wrestler who is on the run from a biker gang from hell. Obviously he's got his "damsel in distress" in this poster, but we can assume that she won't be like the damsel's we see in Disney movies. Zombie has successfully captured our interest with these teaser posters and we'll certainly be following this one as it heads into production. Until we hear more, fanatics can argue about who the guy on this poster "looks like" and ramble on about how awesome this movie could be. Rock on!


Find more posts: Hype, Posters



Yaaaaawn. Oh, what's that? Oh, nothing new. Rob Zombie trying to lure in 13 year olds with cursing. I mean, 2 posters, both with cursing??? Man, this is gonna be AWESOME. My post... 51% sarcasm, 49% annoyed irritation.

Barry on Jul 29, 2008


i would love to see this poster in a theatre.

Darrin on Jul 29, 2008


Ok Alex I am sorry this is that last time I post on your site today I promise. You say, 'Definitely an intense attitude, but Zombie's hooked me. I'm already interested in this film and, as I said, I still have no clue what it's going to be about.' You are hooked on a movie that you know nothing about. Boy you are an easy sell and a tool. Zombie is a terrible filmmaker! He has only made crap! and know you are sold on a film of his you know nothing about! Who are you!? Where did you come from? You are a pretty funny guy.

JD on Jul 29, 2008


51% Jelousy 49% Iggnorance @ Barry I am sorry he hasent handed you the entire plot before even begining shooting. Why not complain about a Dirctors direction when you yourself could not even draw the poster let alone shoot, act or produce the moive. Everyone is very good about bashing Moives that have not even had the plot reviled. Grow up barry, you seem like the child with your comments.

Ripper on Jul 29, 2008


jd read above, then go type in your blog about how everything is lower than your almighty self. You are someone who obviouslly has no taste in moives. Zombie is an Awesome film maker The House of 1000 Corpses and Devils Rejects were both very good, with a great soundtrack and a dam good Flick. You say hes only made crap once again what have you made? Are you mad becaue your a failed director or actor so you get pissy and take up space on the Boards to make people notice you so that you wont feel like such a failure. I can not stand the constant Negitive reviews of almost EVERYTHING moive related. If any of you can do better than go try. Until then learn to complain in moderation not all over the site JD.

Ripper on Jul 29, 2008


Rob Zombie is slowly starting to lose his touch

Kail on Jul 29, 2008


I think the poster is very nice!

Jess on Jul 29, 2008


I don't know if it is me growing up or me just being sick of it but Rod Zombie makes a poster with a curse word and you're hooked? I have been complaining lately alot about how you are becoming horrible with your overjoyed approach to every movie. Knock it off, I don't know who has you in his or her pocket but it is becoming more and more obvious with every release, and this movie doesn't even have a story yet. This will most certainly get out of hand when Harry Potter is out in November. Get a hobby or something Alex, maybe go to a bar and talk to a girl. I don't know what to tell you but you need actual human interaction and come back to reality.

Tom on Jul 29, 2008


Wow Ripper. You seem like a really great guy! I am just having fun pointing out the sillyness that Alex writes. You must be his boyfriend protecting him from the big bad JD. If you like Rob Zombie films good for you. I just happen to have better taste in films, thats all. To each his own.

JD on Jul 29, 2008


And i meant Rob Zombie, and no Alex I don't hate you. I wouldn't come to this site daily if I felt otherwise. And YES, JD is a negative, pompous, arrogant tool. and finally, please stop ending every sentence with "!". Its just annoying! See!

Tom on Jul 29, 2008


It's certainly intriguing. This looks as if Rob Zombie is now trying to jump start the "Grindhouse" feature after Tarantino/Rodriguez failed to do so. Perhaps I'm wrong, but this will certainly be a twisted flick!

Spider on Jul 29, 2008


This is gonna be the most badass movie in the world. I'm calling it.

DCompose on Jul 29, 2008


I think its pretty obvious that the man in that poster is Dr. Death Steve Williams. Well it would be badass if it was.

dac_fan on Jul 29, 2008


Right. Another poster. *yawn* Show some footage please, without all the embarassing excuses for slogans. "51% Motherfucker, 49% Son of a Bitch"? Really? Let's see some proof of that, shall we?

Ganaesh D. on Jul 30, 2008


let me guess...his wife will be in the movie

Alex on Jul 30, 2008


RIPPER (#5) No. I am basing this on the juvenile marketing campaign. AND Zombie's terrible track record with movies. I understand that his style is intersting to some, but seriously...the man has not a single ounce of creativity. He's borrowing old ideas and whoring them up with the new (and totally overdone and tired) shock factor style that is for some reason very popular now. If ANYONE needs to grow up, it's Mr. Zombie. If his movie career fails (and let's pray that it does), he can always resort back to making terrible rock albums where every song sounds exactly the same.

Barry on Jul 30, 2008


#15 why is there another alex posting on this site? damnit add something to the end of your name this town ain't big enough for the two of us...

Alex on Jul 30, 2008


Knowing Zombie and his work, these posters will be better than the movie.

kevjohn AKA Alex on Jul 30, 2008


#18 - And thats not saying much haha

Kail on Jul 30, 2008


Just looked on imdb - his wife is the only cast member listed... what a shock. I predict a steaming pile.

Bearach on Feb 23, 2009

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