Tom Cruise and Sam Raimi Working Together on Sleeper?!

August 19, 2008

Tom Cruise and Sam Raimi Working Together on Sleeper?!

Yep it's true. Sam Raimi is producing an adaptation of Wildstorm's "Sleeper" comic book with Tom Cruise apparently "loosely attached" to star. Obviously Cruise's involvement is not set in stone, but his interest has boosted this comic book adaptation into the spotlight. The story centers on an operative whose fusion with an alien artifact makes him impervious to pain and allows him to pass it on to others through skin contact. He is placed undercover in a villainous organization by an intelligence agency and falls for a member of the group, named Miss Misery. Reminds me a lot of Pitt and Jolie's Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Raimi is producing the film alongside of Josh Donen separate from his horror company Ghost House Pictures.

SleeperThe biggest issue with this project lies in complicated rights issues. Everyone is familiar with the Watchmen case that Warner Brothers is currently fighting, and considering DC Comics is a Warner Brothers company, they're being a bit more sensitive this time. "Sleeper" is actually a spin-off series from a comic called "WildC.A.T.s" and also features characters from another spin-off comic called "Gen 13." Rights to both of those comics have already been scooped up by other studios previously, even before DC Comics bought "Sleeper" in 1999. Both Sony and Regency previously passed up adapting the comic due to these rights issues. No writer or director has been attached yet.

That headline is a bit deceiving, because Sam Raimi producing and Tom Cruise starring doesn't necessarily mean we're going to see anything amazing. Raimi is a solid producer, but he's a better director. Cruise needs some good roles and after Tropic Thunder, I'm looking forward to what career choices he makes next. "Sleeper" definitely seems like a great move in the right direction, although I'm always up for anything action-packed starring Tom Cruise (another Mission: Impossible directed by J.J. Abrams again anyone?). AICN says the comic "is a powerful read" and is "one hell of a tragic, yet inspiring, exciting, yet introspective story." Should be an interesting project to watch develop, with or without Cruise starring. Anyone else?


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I'm with you on another Mission Impossible with Cruise and Abrams, but Paramount has made it clear that they want nothing to do with Cruise. That's too bad because I thought MI3 was the best of the series.

Drew on Aug 19, 2008


I think Tom Cruise really has to side-step from these action roles right now and delve into maybe drama or comedy, heck, even horror or musical! He is getting a little bit old now to be constantly doing these roles and like in Tropic Thunder, he is a real Tugg Speedman. Cruise needs to diversify (not sure if it is a word, but go with it) before he loses out on all of his roles (but like he needs the money). I don't mind an old action star (ie. Harrison Ford), but atleast he has other career options if another action role doesn't come his way.

Ryan on Aug 19, 2008


Thanks for the big'ol spoiler #2 >_>

LW on Aug 19, 2008


Cruise may be getting older, but Mission Impossible III was a fantastically entertaining film (sans defibrillator). I would love to see him do another or stay in these kind of roles while also diversifying with roles like what I'm expecting from Valkyrie. Either way, he is starting to look a little Kurt Russell.

Bobby on Aug 19, 2008


Evil Dead 4: Bruce Campbell vs. Tom Cruise ... go Ash.. kick his celebrity ass!

WaterFunk on Aug 19, 2008


no for m:i 3 . that movie didn't stay true to the series

Darrin on Aug 19, 2008


I thought Mission Impossible three was great really entertaining and fun. Im still a big fan of Cruise and enjoy his movies. This sounds interesting with or without cruise staring but it would be great if he did.

Curits on Aug 19, 2008


I'm probably waving a red flag in the face of Shero, but this sounds like an awesome concept that I would have to miss out on if Tom Cruise were to play it. He's on my write-off list so far as theater movies, and I'll only rent/Netflix his movies if people I know and trust swear on a legally-binding document that the movie is good. He's just gotten too weird for me, and that overshadows EVERY movie I try to watch him in. Also, in case that wasn't enough, in response to Shero: 1. I dislike sequels that break from the traditional storyline of the previous ones in order for some egomaniac actor to live out his spy-wife-saving fantasies. 2. Umm...War of the Worlds, anyone? 3. Bring it.

RStewie on Aug 19, 2008


I thought that that said "Tom Cruise and Sam Raimi Sleeping Together?!" Wow. I'm glad I misread.

Lauren on Aug 19, 2008


1. Maybe I stated that wrong. MI3 was a great action movie, but it was NOT a great MI movie. I mean, really, at what point did that franchise move away from "spy game movie" to "vigilante hero rescues maiden/wife/distressed woman"?? That was completely wrong for the franchise, completely outside of the focus of the previous movies, and really, was a serious disappointment in the theater, especially when the movie-goer realizes that, instead of seeing a team of spies running around and using cool spy equipment and doing cool spy stuff, we're instead going to watch Tom Cruise live out his personal fantasies of rescuing Katie Holmes in some kind of wild spy-themed vigilante movie. (Hence the term egomaniac.) 2. I know who directed it. That movie sucked. Minority Report was good, with Spielberg and Cruise, but lets face it. War of the Worlds was an epic fail in terms of cohesive storytelling. 3. Thank you for not degenerating into childish tantrums. I used to like Cruise. I watched all his movies. But lately... ...

RStewie on Aug 20, 2008

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