New Desk Series of Posters for Oliver Stone's W.

September 5, 2008
Source: MovieWeb

New Desk Series of Posters for Oliver Stone's W.

Given its controversial nature, we’re definitely interested in every last marketing morsel that comes out for Oliver Stone’s W. Last week at the Democratic National Convention we not only eyed a well-done billboard, but also a couple posters that were frames of Josh Brolin as George W. Bush, sitting and pondering something at his White House desk (perhaps what he thinks this movie will do to his career). MovieWeb brings us four more posters in that set, the collection of which is a damn smart execution of the President’s various emotional states as leader of the free world (at least from Stone’s point-of-view). Not to mention, Brolin has done an amazing job in looking like the 43rd President, wouldn’t you say?

Oliver Stone's W. Posters

We’ve seen the teaser trailer already and we’re just about a month out ’til W. hits the theaters, so what is everyone thinking? Personally, Bush has become a tad bit irrelevant nowadays what with the focus on Obama, McCain, Palin, and so on. If W. goes in the satirical direction, I think Stone might actually have a hit on his hands. Whatever sort of frustrating look back comes out of W., the enthusiasm for the next administration (whichever it may be) seems strong enough to overshadow. Continuing to see more of Brolin as Bush, too, can potentially, dare I say it, make the President a bit more likable on some level just by association to the great actor. I could totally be wrong, but I think W. might actually turn out well not only for Stone but, ultimately, for Bush as well. Talk amongst yourselves and comment below, but let’s leave out the straight-up political pissyness this time please. What do you think of this movie?

W. is directed by Oliver Stone (Platoon, Wall Street, JFK, Nixon, Alexander) with a screenplay written by Stanley Weiser (Project X, Wall Street). The film is a chronicle on the life and presidency of George W. Bush, as portrayed by actor Josh Brolin. Lionsgate picked up the distribution rights to W. and will be releasing it on October 17th just before the election.


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It might be worth seeing, but a lot of the actors involved look like they're dressed up for SNL. Is there a chance this will have any depth of story? Possibly. But if not, neither liberals nor conservatives will bother. Liberals have made up their minds about the president, and won't pay to see a film that might portray him in anything but an entirely negative light. Conservatives won't see it either, because they already know what to expect from anything associated with President Bush coming out of a hollywood studio.

vegeta on Sep 5, 2008


I think this will focus more on the process involved in becoming president more than the decisions Bush has made while in office. Bush is a true testament that anyone in this country can become president given the right circumstances.

Peloquin on Sep 5, 2008


I really love the simplicity of those posters, that's all. 😀

SillySil on Sep 5, 2008


Alex, I will admit how you were right about the DARK KNIGHT grossing more than I said it would, but right now I will say this will be an outright flop. I'm sorry, but Brolin looks like Bush if he had a tan and was about 20 years younger. This is just a real propoganda piece that will make headlines, but I don't see that translating into box office reciepts.

Ryan on Sep 5, 2008


Wow... they really need to stop trying.... oh wait... it looks like they may have already.

CSpuppydog on Sep 5, 2008


If Stone wanted to make a real movie about the Bushes, he should have made one about THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP. Seriously, everyone, read this book, it has some of the most fucked up stuff our government officials are doing (snuff porn, pedophelia). Bush is a closet homosexual by the way. TFC-U is available free online in PDF format. its out there somewhere.

The Real Alex on Sep 5, 2008


c'mon people,this is oliver stone we're talking about

twispious on Sep 5, 2008


I'm in agreement with Andy Adair when he said of An American Carol (paraphrasing), "I hope that this is done tastefully and respectfully, so that maybe even Bush himself can get a laugh or two." And like Andy, (paraphrasing date), "I keep wondering if it is in fact coincidence that the release date for this film is scheduled for October 17, a few weeks prior to the presidential election."

Feo Amante on Sep 6, 2008

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