Vin Diesel is Back in xXx: The Return of Xander Cage

September 15, 2008

Vin Diesel in xXx

If there is one franchise I hate more than almost all others, it's got to be the xXx franchise that began way back in 2002. I have never seen nor will ever see either the first xXx or xXx: State of the Union. In my mind, the first movie effectively began Vin Diesel's downfall into the world of The Pacifier. So I'm incredibly sad to report today that the idiots at Sony have decided to bring back director Rob Cohen, whose last film The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor was hated by all, and star Vin Diesel, whose last film Babylon A.D. flopped big, for a third film, titled xXx: The Return of Xander Cage. First things first, that sounds like a title for a porno more than anything, and secondly, how in the hell did this happen?!

The funniest part of this news is that the studio has a title, as we mentioned above, but not a script. So they've started putting together details on a film called xXx: The Return of Xander Cage but haven't even hired or started writing a script - wow. Both Vin Diesel and Rob Cohen have agreed to return but haven't signed any contracts, so as long as Sony keeps thinking this is a good idea, it'll happen much sooner than later. How anyone ever thought this was a good idea is completely beyond me. I know there are fans of xXx out there, but this is entirely unnecessary. I can't wait until we hear more details and I can begin predicting how much of a failure this will be and how absolutely terrible it'll turn out.

I'm guessing this idea is inspired by Diesel's return to the Fast and the Furious franchise and the buzz for the upcoming Fast and Furious. Diesel didn't even return for xXx: State of the Union and skipped out on the second and third Fast and the Furious movies, too. I thought our economy was pretty bad right now, but apparently Diesel is being paid enough to return to two abandoned franchises. Anyone excited?


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Movie News, Opinions



all i have to say is "WOW they really must be running out of movie ideas in Hollywood" I guess good original ideas are a thing of the past.

Cyrus The Virus on Sep 15, 2008


^That's been the general consensus for Hollywood for YEARS. I actually enjoyed the first xXx, though. It's a shallow, guilty pleasure picture but is nonetheless entertaining. The second one was pretty terrible. All I have to say about this is Xander Cage is supposed to be dead as mentioned in the sequel. So I'm thinking.... SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN, anyone? Of course, I know nothing of this sequel, but if the predictability of the business is any indication then I'm right on the money.

Frame on Sep 15, 2008


Vin Diesel hasn't been involved with a good movie since "The Iron Giant" nuts to him

Voice Of Reason on Sep 15, 2008


yes he has you have nooooooooooooooooooooooooo idea what you are saying. A Man Apart was the best movie he was in the came out in 2003 and the iron giant was 1999 so therefore he did do better work. kaybye

youknowwho on Apr 6, 2011


Wow another xXx movie....Whoop-de-do *does the finger twirling in the air gesture* God, will Vin Diesel's career ever recover?

Rob on Sep 15, 2008


They're actually making or marketing I should say for a third xXx movie? Has movie going audiences really become that stupid and cheap to actually want to see garbage like this get continued? I'm on with you Alex, since Diesel has abandoned two movie franchises, these production companies still find it needlessly engaging to make some more garbage. I just don't understand why! Diesel is not a good actor and may I remind that NO ONE CARED about "Babylon A.D."!

Conrad on Sep 15, 2008


Poster #3 - solid gold genius! I'm with #2 - Zander dies in the bridging scene between 1 and 2 ... geez, did I just admit knowing that??? You actually see the fleshy part of the back of his head, complete with tattoo, land on the tarmac. Nice. I love the Vin, but his agent should be shot on site. Just more Riddick please.

mrbobbyboy on Sep 15, 2008


Alex, YOu are killing me... with all the random films that you enjoy and you never even gave the first XXX a chance... comeon, give it a try... It is definently not movie making genious, but was fun and enjoy it when it pops up on the TV from time to time.. haha but yes.. 3rd is a bad idea, but you gotta give it a try.. comeon, you love Fast and Furious series.. and that series is nothing but eye-candy also. Talk to you soon

Dusty on Sep 15, 2008


Between his return to The Fast and The Furious and xXx... Diesel must have some pretty hefty bills that need to be paid.

Tom Brazelton on Sep 15, 2008


As I said way back when the original Babylon AD trailer was released, Vin Diesel is one more shite film away from a straight-to-DVD career. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you xXx3. If Diesel's next film after this isn't premiered on a plastic disc, I'll eat my hat.

Squiggly_P on Sep 15, 2008


I dont think Diesel is necessarily a bad actor. Hes pretty accomplished considering how he started out. I think the blame should put on hollywood. First, its usually MORE profitable to make a BAD movie, there are less expenses involved all around and if they put at least one star's name on it, it sells. Its way easier to take that low risk and make money back if you put little into it. Cheap CGI has furthered that cause. People fail to look at actors as workers and studios as companies. At the end of the day the actors need work in order to make a living and they can only choose from parts available. They can't will a good movie into existence or ensure they will get that part. Long gone are the stars that hold out years to make only great movies. If you do that today, either you are lucky and hot enough at the moment to keep it going or you fade away and are forgotten. Why would you not take the easy money as an actor? Why should they have loyalty to fans that borders on making them feel like its a public duty? There is no money in it. And people are fickle. Studios market stars and franchises like a product brand name. If its recognizable it will sell no matter what. Maybe it wont be a blockbuster, but they make a return on investment and at the end of the day, that is what keeps the industry going. So who is really at fault? Sure the studios for putting out garbage on a steady basis, but WE are the ones ultimately funding this and encouraging it. Not many have enough resolve to stop watching the same movies they slam and call terrible. If you look at it that way, Diesel isnt really trying to recover, as he puts out an average of 2 films a year, which is what any actor wants. Look at Samuel L Jackson. He has been in over 100 films and I bet that hardly anyone can name half of them. He has some of the biggest lifetimes earnings of any actor. No one bitches about him because he makes movies consistently. Hes come to the point that he is immortalized as a star because of a handful of notable roles and a ton of forgettable ones. Its like dollar cost averaging. If he makes films, regardless of outcome, the great ones average out the bad. And he has been in some shitty films to be sure. Its all about perception... and yes, the audiences are really that stupid. That is how marketing works at all. The majority (about 80% +/-) of people obey the TV and live their lives accordingly. That is the first lesson in a college marketing 101 class.

Insomniac on Sep 15, 2008


i enjoyed both xXx and the Fast and the Furious, so yea!!! come on, every loves a dumb action movie sometimes.

p0pe on Sep 15, 2008


Funny, cuz Indie movies seem to be able to crank out new and unused ideas...

Ian MacLatchie on Sep 15, 2008


@ 10... I enjoyed your incites and you really helped put it in perspective. We really shouldn't judge actors on their roles because I wouldn't want someone to judge me for working at an insurance company...everyone's gotta pay the bills. XXX3 is a bad idea though, I want more "Find me Guilty" and "Pitch Black" performances from Diesel.

Peloquin on Sep 15, 2008


Alex, how can you "hate" a franchise when you've never seen any of the movies in the series? That's like saying "I love the Godfather movies, but I've never actually seen any of them". I'm assuming you're basing your opinion on reputation rather than actual experience - not a very professional way to report movie news (since some people that read this site may actually trust your opinion). You may think it's a bad idea to make another one (as do I), but to "hate" the franchise and to say the next movie will be "a failure" and "absolutely terrible" without having seen the previous ones makes your opinion pretty weak.

Tim on Sep 15, 2008


Alex, you know I back you up a lot, but I gotta agree with 14 on this one. I was forced to go see Beauty Shop back in the day and write a paper on it for film school. So if you're getting paid to be a film critic you should definitely see the movie before posting your opinions about it. I'm a RT.com snob myself in which I usually don't see anything under a 20%, but since you're in the biz you should really watch all the crap so I can use your opinions to help me avoid the crap. I really enjoy your reviews so I hope they're not based on Hollywood hype, but instead the feeling you actually got while viewing the film. I even watched Tokyo Drift last night due to a few comments in the last Fast and Furious post and even though I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a fork throughout the whole film I at least can contrast that piece of crap with solid film making which helps to refine my film palette even more. So go watch XxX and then post here about how terrible it was to satisfy all your avid fans ;o)

Peloquin on Sep 15, 2008


I have to side with #14 on this one. I though the first one was pretty cool and plus samule L. jackson is in it! he already makes it badass haha and as for the second one the thing that made it bad was that ice tray oh i mean ice cube was in it and he just didnt fit the part.

ha1rball on Sep 15, 2008


I have to agree with #14 and #15 here, Alex. You could have posted this or any similar article without including your personal opinions directly in the article. You can save that kind of stuff for the message board as an afterthought. To criticize a movie or series of movies without having seen it/them is a very unprofessional move. Now, that being said, xXx was only a decent action movie, and xXx State of the Union was terrible. I have to give credit to Vin Diesel, though for involving himself in a lot of different types of projects. He's not only a decent actor, but he writes and directs as well. And in response to #10 Insomniac, Well said, man. Though I have to disagree on one point.Your statement that, "Long gone are the stars that hold out years to make only great movies," is untrue. In my opinion, Daniel Day Lewis is the finest actor this business has ever seen, and only recurs every few years in a truly spectacular film. He has delivered oscar-worthy performances many times and won four Best Actor awards at the Oscars. xXx3 is gonna bomb, though.

JL on Sep 15, 2008


I agree with #14. That's almost as bad as the people who think all black-and-white movies suck even though they've never given them a chance.

Drew on Sep 15, 2008


Didn't they kill Xander in #2?

Hates XXX on Sep 15, 2008


I rather watch a third xXx with Vin than the Transporter 3...

rodpop on Sep 15, 2008


Another one who agrees with #14. The sense of loathing coming from your article, when you haven't seen the films in question, can only diminish the worth of your opinion, really.

Chris on Sep 15, 2008


DO IT! the big mistake was 'State of Union.' Let's get the hood to help out lol. what was that about???? My memory is slipping in my old age, but didnt they explain that Xander died? maybe...maybe not. dont remember, and i will never waste another minute on 'state of Union.' it will just be a mystery to me unless osmeone answers here. I am now dumber having seen state of union hahahah

michael on Sep 15, 2008


I think the only movie I am looking forward to him in is Fast and the Furious but thats just gonna be bonified badass XXX3 BAD, F and F 4 gooood

Cody on Sep 15, 2008


Fuck it, I'm gonna see it anyway. And to you Alex, I really don't think you can judge a whole series without seeing a single installment. I will admit I didn't even bother to see #2, but the first one was very entertaining.

Matthew Nevin on Sep 15, 2008


The 1st was awesome and made a ton of money. Unfortunately they didn't capitalize on it. I don't if you can salvage it after the 2nd one. And taking into account that Rob Cohen did an even worse job with the mummy than with stealth, despite having a 150 million dollar budget...well, doesn't sound good.

Darunia on Sep 15, 2008


I'll probably watch this film...and not enjoy it. I've watched the first two (State of the Union really did suck), but I'm the kind of person that needs to complete the series (no matter how lame the sequels may seem). And again I have to agree with just about everyone else on here that "you can't knock it till you tried it". Just because you assume you won't enjoy a movie doesn't mean you won't, and it really doesn't seem fair to hate something you've never watched. I also think that since you haven't watched the second two The Fast and The Furious films you should check them out. I wasn't really a fan of the second film (a hour and a half of "How do you like them apples!?"), but finally my need to watch all of the films in a series paid off when I was pleasantly surprised by Tokyo Drift. Not a "great" movie, but better than the second. I personally would have skipped the second film and made this in its stead (but there's also a reason I don't work in the movie biz so what do I know?). I'd say check all four of these films out and you may be pleasantly surprised. What do you have to lose but a couple hours of your time (and whose time is really that important anyway?).

ClerksFan on Sep 15, 2008


i stopped reading the "pre"view after u said the title sounded like a porno... hahhaaha good shit. still laughing out loud right now, xander cage.. what a homo

sorr on Sep 15, 2008


i liked xXx. it was good. i'm glad they brought back rob cohen , he should stick to his own franchise rather than stephen sommers.

Darrin on Sep 15, 2008


New Fast and Furious looks awesome, but this sounds bad.

Joel on Sep 15, 2008


Alex, Watch the retarded movie before you post an opinion on it and most certainly before you indicate that you hate the franchise..It's absolutely annoying and I have lost my trust in your reviews because of this, really. It's unacceptable that someone that gets paid for their professional opinion to do this kind of crap.

ERivas on Sep 15, 2008


all i have to say is . . . "BITCHES. COME!" i'll probably end up going to see it. although without my gf - she HATES Vin Diesel. she would probably throw her knitting at me from her position on the bed behind me if she knew i was defending him. more Riddick, for SURE!!! but with better science 😉

black Sunshine on Sep 15, 2008


Diesel career can come back if you believe, give him a shot. Riddick good Find Me Guilty good Carpazo Good. Iron Giant good. There's a few oh Boiler Room great...

Xerxex on Sep 15, 2008


Diesel was good in Saving Private Ryan as well. I love action films, and hey are we only to have comic book films from now on? I think a entertaining straight action flick is needed every summer.

Sean Valen on Sep 15, 2008


not at all for XXX and fanboyish excited for fast and furious. something about cars and paul walker. the cheesiness factor for all the FAF movies has been high for me.

David Lowe on Sep 15, 2008


The guy who post this loved Wall-E, but this week has put down Transprter, XXX, and Rambo!! What a pussy! I want to slap him right out of his lace panty

Mike Scuillo on Sep 15, 2008


The thing that annoys me the most about this forthcoming film is that in the second one (which I sadly saw a couple of times) they make a point of saying in one of the scenes in the background that agents are being killed all over and the latest one is Xander Cage!!! They made a point to say he was dead! I hated xXX and I hated xXx 2 give it a rest!

Kaiser on Sep 16, 2008


First film was not that bad. Skipped the second though.

Sean Kelly on Sep 16, 2008


I enjoyed the first one...especially the nice ride he coped (and I'm not talking about the Corvette...nah man). But I was not interested in the "ice cube" second version..and I'm a bit skeptical of a third go around. Same reasons as folks mentioned already. I think they did run out of good stories in Hollywood. Shoot..at least do more books and turn them into good movies (Council of Ten, The Killing Floor / Lee Childs, etc).

Bry from Chi on Sep 16, 2008


I think Vin Diesel movies are hit-or-miss. Personally, XxX is his kind of movie. If people are willing to pay to go see it, let em. Honestly, I liked the first one b/c it was kind of an anti-bond before the whole Bourne identity-type revamp. Hopefully it's not too over the top.

jmoney on Sep 16, 2008


Everyone keeps pointing out that they killed Xander Cage in the sequel but fail to realize that this is Hollywood and they never said how he died. Plus in the movie world we're talking about a government agency. Do you think you can really trust a government agency in a movie like this to tell the truth?? I think this will leave the script writers open to write him back into the story how ever they want. Perhapse he was on a secret mission that was on a need-to-know-basis. I liked most of the first movie, didn't care for the next (didn't even make it all the way through), but will probably see the third at some point.

vanillarick on Sep 16, 2008


xxx1=good to me. xxx2=horrible.

jotace. on Sep 16, 2008


Hey Alex, they are coming out with another animated movie called Igor. Maybe thatis more your speed since XXX and Rambo don't do it for you!! By the way, the rest of us men will be watching football on Sunday while you're playing video games and sitting in front of the computer!!

Mike Scuillo on Sep 16, 2008


Settle down Mikey, everyone is entitled to their own likes and opinions... we don't cuss you because you like men, so don't do it to others. Now, I did hear in the 'non-canon' sequel that Xander was killed off, but I don't remember this scene that #6 is talking about. Ice Cube did indeed ruin the franchise but if they CAN reprise Vin's character for another film, I would definitely watch it. I'm certainly willing to get back to the franchises roots and see Vin in action.

Merc on Sep 17, 2008


Hey the first xXx was cool. 'Cool' not 'awesome' or 'the sh*t'. and it was more exciting than the 007 movies I've seen. The sequel to xXx was balls. Balls!!!

zwandaba on Sep 17, 2008


WHOA WHOA WHOA What Studio is doing it? If its Columbia then here is a smart move if you want this to be a success. First, keep Rob Cohen away from the film. He got lucky from The Fast & The Furious but I think it wasn't his directing but his way with characters that worked in that film. His ass needs to stay away from the director's chair. I say get someone like Antoine Fuqua as a director. He has good talent and his films are actually good. The man needs more big studio films under his belt and everyone can agree that Training Day & Shooter were great films. Now the Ice Cube thing is corny, I liked his character in the last movie but I hated the story plot. Don't put the two together at all. In fact I think they should just explain it that Xander Cage faked his death to stay outta harm's way or he was on a super secret project that needed him to disappear for a while. Just start fresh with another director and make it R-rated and all these people will actually watch it. Thats my idea.... Any one??????

Joey Crack on Oct 5, 2008


It's impossible to take the opinion of the writer of this article seriously when they claim that there is no other franchise they hate more than the xXx franchise and yet also admit to have never seen either of the xXx flicks. Not even the first one. Regardless of what you may think of the xXx movies, you have to admit to make such a claim without having even seen it is pretty ridiculous.

Stephen S. on Oct 24, 2008


how the fuck can u put vin Diesel in the 3 xxx film forgive me but he is a pukka actor i loved his films if u remember he died in the second one coz samuel l jackson turns around say xander cage died in wen he was on vacation so how the hell can u bring bk xander cage in the third one its a bit dumb really i liked xxx thought it was brillant but have the directors forgot about the second film where it mentions wot happened to xander hit me bk with replies plz at ryanfletcher_21@hotmail.com

ryan fletcher on Nov 13, 2008


i think that both vin diesel & ice cube are suppose to join in the third film

arnold on Dec 2, 2008


Well , I guess it's better if Vin makes new movies instead of makin' sequels , I disagree with u guys , I really think he's a good actor , It's just some of the movies that he's in , Like Babylon A.D. , I mean the movie wasn't good , Wether Vin preformed Toroop or anyone else did , still the movie ain't good , but I think no one , I mean at all , would watch such a movie if there was no Vin Diesel .

A10 on Dec 7, 2008


Xander wasn't dead in the 2nd xXx , he went to borabora , and some kinda change his idenity , so he'd like he dead .

A10 on Dec 7, 2008


Guys if u don't like action movies , then don't put the blame on Vin .

A10 on Dec 7, 2008


Ok, any of u my think whatever u want but i like both of the movies...xxx with ice cube i dont, but vin is a legend... he should definitely be more hired, he is perfect...anyway, third part is not a good idea cos we all saw him dead...but, ideas can be made and i would love the xxx return of xander cage in movies... and whoever wrote this is so dumb, how can u comment smt u havent seen???go take a look, then say smt... i love vin and his parts in xxx and fast and the furious were awesome and i would love to see more of that in the future...

jay on Dec 8, 2008


I agree with #53 😉 love Vin...he is not only a decent actor in action type movies ~ he is a hottie (*thinking* Alex must be a bit of a weenie to have wrote this ~ possibly a tad jealous) I am looking forward to seeing the 3rd xXx and am glad it is Vin and not Ice. Also, Pacifier is worth its weight in gold in our home, all the neighborhood kids have requested that movie again and again; it has been played at least 30 times (no exaggeration). PS…some of the all time best actors have flops in their movie careers, nobody is immune

Desiree on Dec 28, 2008


we all know the " Peter Panda Dance" the kids love to sing it

Desiree on Dec 28, 2008


moron van was in fast and the furious 3 at the end.... as to show their would be a 4th movie with him in it.

thomas on Jan 4, 2009


I have to say this was the worst review I ever read. Some guy who has never seen a movie in this franchise says he hates it. And he shows his movie watching abilities by saying vin is not in tokyo drift. Ya he had a total of like maybe 30 sec in the film but he was still in the movie. Word of advice, write reviews on movies you have knowledge of or your credibility will go right out the window. As for me your reviews are now worthless on any movie now.

Rick on Jan 9, 2009


in reply to #51. On the re-release of xXx there was a bonus feature entitled "the death of xander cage". In it it shows xander walk into a building and the building blew up a sec later. In the begining of state of the union they stated he was killed "last night". And that was the reason for finding a new xXx.

Rick on Jan 9, 2009


I don't know why everybody is complaining about the second xXx being bad. It wasn't bad. A major turnoff mabye, but it didn't completely suck. And anyway, some you people are too stupid to realize there might be cause for a revealation of Xander. "Oh Xander was dead in the second movie that sucked so bad! There is no way they could bring him back!" Whether or not its a good reason he's back, its on paper and well know whether or not we got jipped if you go see it. Some of you didn't even bother to comment on this JOKE of a blog entry. I mean COME ON! This idiot didn't bother to either watch either of the first two and never will. Perfering to take from word of mouth than watching the first two for himself. If you hate it and have never seen it the STHU! Don't hold your breath, this movie is probably going to tank; as sequels have a habit of doing.

G.k. on Jan 12, 2009


Vin Diesel was in Tokyo Drift at the very last scene. And man was XXx2 lame: I was laughing at that so called "movie" Well no matter what, XXX 3 is guna be better than XXX2, if it isn't, then Vin is probably guna retire as an actor and pursuit his career as a director or producer or something like that.

Adriano on Feb 15, 2009


how he did on the bonus features in xXx 1

Daniel Bowen on Feb 15, 2009


which out of all these fallowing 61 comments failed to mention was the FACT that in the second XxX (2), Vin Diesel wasn't even cast in the FCKING IN THE MOVIE! you tards! so don't blame him for the directors replacing him with a fat not-even-believable ICE CUBE, seriously at least Vin fit the bill for doing all the action sequences, granted, maybe not the best movie of all time, but you people need to grow brains. you know nothing of what passes for "realism". some of you hold these movies to such unbelievable high standards you make no sense whatsoever! be open minded about the third one, if you people hold it to expectations before even seeing it, your opinions are worthless and not even worth mentioning in these blogs. in other words.... A WASTE OF OUR TIME> finally... for those of you going on and on about movies you haven't even seen, you have even less brain cells then these other pathetic tool bags that are crying about it! if you think its all such horrible films then don't bother wasting your time with them if you feel that way, SIMPLE!

Brad on Feb 17, 2009


ok ass holes you really don't have a fucking clue do you. this dick weed starts of a reveiw by saying he never saw the film! how the hell do you judge shit you never saw before! god damn you people are fuckin tools. what kinda sheep just follow what some dick on the net says any way. reveiwing a film is fine but 2 things. 1 see the fucking movie and 2 don't be a tool about it. you don't like it? fine. just say that. you don't have to shit on people about it. if you people have any sence at all you'll watch the movie and make up your own damn minds and stop letting dildoes like this prick tell you what to do. i know i'm being a little hypocritcal but jesus people. guy like this who tell you whats good and bad are just pricks who look down their noses at you. don't be tools like him cause if you act like a tool then you'll probably miss out. the only thing that deserves this bad a critic should be jar jar binks and that hanna montanna bitch.

Jim on Feb 18, 2009


To whoever wrote this article. You cant judge the first movie if you have never saw it! and Second you should watch the 3rd fast and the furious movie. VIN DIESEL IS IN THE MOVIE! obviously not in a big role but they used him in it to set up a fourth. Good article though. well written! lmao.

Cody on Mar 4, 2009


i dont think its right to critize a movie you havent even seen.theres alot of ppl that havent seen this like youreself and most ppl judge a book by its cover thesedays so they could be missing out on something good and they wouldnt even know it.i myself thought it was just as good as a james bond movie

caroline on Mar 25, 2009


I actually look forward to Vin Diesels movies. XXX was a good movie and I still enjoying watching to this day. Its got tons of action and lots of cool stunts.. The sound track wasn't bad either. As for the 3rd bring it on id watch it.

fitmiss on Mar 26, 2009


well i'm not entirely surprised for some reason we have stummbled onto the remake era of movies it's like hey that was a good movie 15 yrs ago, lets do it again! WRONG. leave it alone. there probably isn't an original screenplay out there right now besides 'benjamin button- (but that's a brad pitt thing and he can do no wrong and something to talk about later) first it started with Batman, then the hulk- which if i'm not mistaken has 2 remakes out within 3 yrs of each other i thought it was dumb the first time and a waste of time the 3rd time around. they even made a remake of Rocky...rocky Sly Stallon is like 80 yrs old what is he doing fighting in the jungle and boxing again? so now they are gonna do xxx again another thing that kills me is they dont even come up with new names anymore: the return of xander cage, wow i wonder what's that about; rocky the return to the jungle, hmmm really keep you guessing dont they. they should NOT make this movie for the love of hollywood dont do it

vin fan on Apr 1, 2009


And you call yourself a film critic. Maybe you do not realize that xxx made a truckload of money in the box office and though xxx state of the union did not turn out so well, it was still a great movie. It had a believable plot, plausible characters, devious antagonists (not that you would know what that is), and all the requirements for a genuine "guy" movie. Not to mention the age old value of sacrificing your life for your country (but let me guess your anti-war anti-military too). Yes they did say in state of the union that xander cage was "reported" dead not confirmed dead. for a movie critic you should know that that makes a huge hell of a difference. I also saw babylon a.d. and that had a very interesting if not engrossing plot, and vin diesel showed that he can act and very well too. As for your cuts on the fast and furious series. you must have not watched those either. the first was very well done and put together nicely. too fast too furious picked up beautifully as a sequel for paul walkers character and expanded the depth of his character as well by introducing his friend roman. tokyo drift was not about paul walkers character but moved halfway around the world to japan where drifting was created and introduced an upcoming character in fast and furious, hahn. I have also noticed that there have been some references to vin diesel in the pacifier. you lost professionalism on that one. the pacifier was a great family and kids movie and showed that vin could stretch himself in his acting ability. he also showed that hes not an actor who is typecast just for action roles, just like actors jamie foxx, robert downey jr, tom cruise, gerard butler, mark wahlberg, matt damon, and the list goes on and on. now as a movie critic, you should really do your homework before handing in your assignment cause you certainly failed. how about this. you spend some money and go see a movie instead of making shit up, oh and by the way...only a porno watching perv would think that the return of xander cage would sound like a porno. and for 67, rambo grossed over 42 million in the box office along with rocky. you probably dont understand what is to fight for somthing worth dying for and for us military servicemen and women watching a 50 plus year old like rambo still fighting and bleeding for a true cause means alot to us. by the way. they are making a rambo 6 and 7 and a rocky 7. hope you enjoy them.

mike on May 1, 2009


you all have far too high expectations, just enjoy the ride losers!

ian thompson on May 25, 2009


You've never seen the movies, but you say they suck. Wow. That tells me a lot more about you than it does about the movies. For the record, the second one had a few decent moments, at least, which is more than I can say for this review.

Nathan on May 29, 2009


wait a minite i watched a deleted scene from the first xXx movie and it shows the back of his head going out the window Wonder How He Survived

Jack Vaessen on Jun 5, 2009


A film critic who has not seen the movies they are writing about is like a woman with no children writing about childbirth. It's dumb and lazy on the critic's part, whose only job is to SEE MOVIES. The first XXX was okay, the second one I found awful. No matter what you think about the movies, it's just downright dumb to say you hate the franchise "more than almost all others" when you haven't seen any of the movies. That just boggles my mind. No matter how many people tell you a movie is bad, until you have seen it yourself you cannot pass any legitimate judgment. I heard Elektra was awful. Many people told me how bad Elektra is, and that the print should be burned. I saw previews making me think Elektra was probably really bad. I did not tell anyone or suggest to anyone that the movie was bad, until I actually watched it. I can now say with all certainty, Elektra is a bad, bad movie. If you're going to write about how you hate some movies and how awful a franchise they make, go see the movies first. Otherwise, think about a different profession. Maybe food critic? You can tell us not to eat the new Outback special because you aren't fond of Australia.

Cwa on Jun 10, 2009


agreed #72!

phil on Jun 10, 2009


oi 72# i watched the first xXx so dont say i didnt watch it and that im just another critic :@

Jack Vaessen on Jun 11, 2009


all you people are morans the xxx movies are great and the fast and furious movies are the greatest thing in the movie industry and for the idiot that says vin is not in the 2nd or 3rd wh dont u watch the 3rd ya he not the main but he still in it and this new xxx should be great

jack callaway on Jul 18, 2009


Agree with 14! I loved the first XXX, of course the 2nd one sucked without Vin but the first fast and the furious was great and so was the new one. Not to mention it is the start of a whole new trilogy with Vin Diesel and Paul Walker. XXX Franchise could be saved just like Fast and Furious was saved with the 4th Film.

Mike on Jul 23, 2009


i'm actually really excited

moob on Jul 29, 2009


Alright, first of all you're completely correct with the whole "xXx is over rated" but the first one was still a good movie. Babylon A.D. was a great movie for what they wanted to get across.....other than that, it wasn't bad, but I wouldn't put it in my "OMG I MUST HAVE" pile anytime soon. As for the Fast and Furious franchise, I'm a street tuner/racer and I thought they were absolutely brilliant. The whole series was brought together, it was planned that way. The first movie was to introduce the idea of the characters Dom and Brian. The second one followed Brian's story after he let Dom go. The third wasn't what everyone thought, it was to introduce Han....which threw everyone off because it didn't really make any sense. Until the 4th, which tied everything together. Vin Diesel didn't "skip out" as you say, it was the writer's and the director's idea that kept him from the second movie, and only a quick cameo in the third. Now, as for you, I would highly suggest that you get a firm grasp on the subject you're talking about before you completely destroy it. I'm not saying xXx3 is going to be a blockbuster by any means, and I wouldn't be surprised if it flopped around on land like fish out of water. But the way you're attacking it....and Vin Diesel....goes to show that you really aren't a movie critic, or an upcoming movie critic, by any means. And to me, it kind of seems like you've got it out for Vin himself....he's a good actor, not great, and the roles that he finds himself in make him make the movie better. The Pacifier was a great family movie, regardless of what you may think. So, here's my suggestion to you, because it's painfully obvious that you haven't quite found your calling yet. Go and find a real job that you're actually good at, something like writing a gossip column in a newspaper somewhere. Before you rant and rave about anything, make sure you see the movies and have a legitimate argument....then actually have the balls to fight back...haven't seen your name in the comments to support your piece yet.

Joe on Aug 8, 2009


Ok first of all dont bash something such as a sequel if you havent even givin the others a chance you douchebag. I could understand if you watched the first 2 but you didnt. Yes the second was a waste of time but the original was great. Vin diesel turned down the actual sequel to xXx because he didnt think anyone would see it. plus for whatever reason he wanted to try family films which we all knew and he later realized was a horrible idea. however people would have seen xXx 2 if he stared in it. But seeing how huge the success of Fast and Furious was with his return in that role, sony thought it would be a good idea to bring back Xander and so did Vin.

dan on Aug 12, 2009


I think Vin Diesel is pretty cool guy. I drives cars and dosn't afraid of anything

Nuqe on Aug 20, 2009


LOL i love how you ppl that are hating will bash this yet you ALL will go se it. cuz its Vin, dont even lie, and # 12 an INDY remark cmon aliens??? this is indy.... not Mulder and Scully, last Indy movie = fail... yet i watched it, cuz its indy! i think it will be a crashin, smashin, shootin, bootin. action movie and everyone that likes gunz and explosions will watch it. -fin-

LON on Aug 22, 2009


first I like to say that the new rocky movie wasnt a remake it was a sequel showing the end of the line for rocky, the new rambo can be considered the same:P the first hulk movie that woo did was a joke and the latest with norton basically said in the credits please ignore previous hulk movie as it sucked badly, at least thats what I got from it anyway:D I liked the first xxx, the 2nd had its points but I agree the plot left something to be desired. as for xander cage being dead, well Ive lost track how many times Ive seen that plot point used only to be faked for some reason to be explained. yes we are in the regurgitated movie plot time but I think thats mostly because of lazy writers that spend too much time trying to get rich instead of making quality scripts. honestly how many tv shows can you name that have used the enemy mine plot??? oh and the last indy movie.... pass the torch to a younger guy for indy adventures....

egor on Sep 8, 2009


xXx was awesome vin diesel always does great in his movies, and the xXx will be sick! the second one sucked ass though and the fast and furious tokyo drift never should have been made they still could have done 2fat 2furious and maybe brung a little peep into vin's roll on fast and furious, witch was the best one of them all i might add. Vin diesel has done great in everyone of his movies even the pacifer. If you guys want someone to hate on look in the mirror.

Kyle on Oct 7, 2009


Vin Diesel is a great actor AND YES I SAY I F***ING LOVED BABOLON A.D.

L J on Oct 14, 2009


I don't care in what movie Vin is in, I just have t see it! He's to cute!

Miss Rotterdam on Nov 29, 2009


What I find interesting is that your comments basically make up a rant against Vin Diesel. Your comment "I have never seen nor will ever see either the first xXx or xXx: State of the Union" shows that you are basing your opinion off of a bias rather than any first hand knowledge of the xXx franchise. If you have anything other than a rant against a series that may or not actually be good, then lets here them. You are basing your opinion solely on the opinions of other and the sales numbers. You can't say whether a movie was good or bad based on that information alone. If you want to be taken seriously as anything more than a hack, sit down and watch the movies and come back and tell us what you think. As it is, you sound like that kid in school that, when given a reading assignment, simply hops on the internet and looks up the chapter summaries.

Richard on Jan 1, 2010


whoever wrote this article is full of shit. i loved the first XXX and vin diesel rocks. loved the Pacifier too so whoever wrote this article can suck it...apparently the person has bad taste in movies.

Amber Gardner on Apr 1, 2010


Okay... You haven't seen either XXX movie but you hate them? You haven't even seen them? You're passing judgement on something you haven't seen? XXX is certainly not highbrow art, but I know that because I've seen it. And now, having read this, I feel qualified to say that "If there is one 'critic' I hate more than almost all others..."

critter on Apr 13, 2010


I like the xXx movies and CANT WAIT to see another of that master franchise!

Dutch moviefan on Jun 10, 2010


I loved the first moie, which is far from trash if your not too serious in life. Fantasticly exciting and full of adrenaline! I enjoy movies and I am deffinately not one of those idiots who always walk out at the end of a movie saying how rubbish it was, they are all tools. Just enjoy the simple things. I am happy to pay for the third movie, perhaps it will be good enough for us to all forget the second one.

Ian Thompson on Jun 10, 2010


I'm excited to see the 3rd xxx, and upcoming fast and furious 5. The 2nd xxx-state of union, was trash. Should have naver been made, mistake big time.

Greg on Sep 2, 2010


Vin Diesel Is Coming Back!!!

Tarzan_Tanner on Oct 4, 2010


Can't wait till is it done:D:D

Corzilla on Jan 31, 2011


Vin DIesel made 3 amazing movies (XXX, Riddick and f2f) which they were a very big successful! Return of Xander Cage is a very smart move from him but not after 9 years for god sake!Same with Riddick which i believe that was his best film but where is the sequel after all these years?? He is going too slow is my opinion and ppl have already been tired from him! Maybe with the money he earned he doesnt really interested to keep doing good work! From the other hand Jason Statham who is much smarter and he is trying all the time to make good movies and he do it very well has left Vin far behind! Same, cause Vin has the "star" to give many things to cinema but somehwere he left it!

Mariosk1gr on Feb 16, 2011


how can you claim to critique a movie if you haven't seen it? IGGNORANT!!!

JJACK805 on Mar 21, 2011


If you hate it so much why even write about it? You do realise that the studios win every time someone writes about a movie. Doesn't matter if it is good reviews or bad reviews it is getting talked about!

Fabian on Apr 5, 2011


WOW baging Movie you haven't even seen, what movie do you like the Pineapple express XXX yes it silly movie but we go to movies for a bit of an escape

Iamcylon on Apr 7, 2011


I am glad Vin Diesel is doing xxx'3. The first one was good and I wouldn't even watch the second one. Who's stupid idea was it to put Ice what ever his name is in the second one. I couldn't even take it seriously. And Vin Diesel is a good actor, he has just had bad roles he has had to work with. Pitch black was excellent along with Finding private Ryan, and Iron Giant. Also Knock around guys was pretty good too. He screwed up when he payed in the Pacifier. But like Insomniac said. Actors have to work to make a living just like the rest of us. And sometimes they have to play parts they don't necessarily want to but do because they need money to survive. Anyway I for one am looking foward to seeing Vin Diesel in xxx'3. The dude rocks. And the guy that wrote this article should keep his opinions to hmself.

Gcovington_75002 on Oct 8, 2011


Bro your the most negative person! Just shut the fuck up!

Wtf on Dec 3, 2011


If you've never seen the films, how can you criticise them.

Anon on Dec 4, 2011


The first xXx was awesome!  Fun movie.  What some people call dumb I call having a good time.  I thought the sequel sucked though.  No where near as good as the first.  Ice Cube can't replace Vin Diesel in xXx just like Vin Diesel couldn't replace Ice Cube in "Friday" although it would be interesting to watch it if he tried.

Chunkybeef on Feb 11, 2012


I liked both of these movies and the writer of this article is a moron!!!!!!!!! Fast Five did great in the box office and was def. one of the best in the series!!!!!! To: Alex......do us a favor and get a new JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALEXisAmOrOn on Mar 2, 2012


So this whole rant is about movies you haven't even seen. That makes sense.....and btw yeah you are definitely an idiot.

AlexisAnIdiot on Jun 18, 2012


R u on Glue??? The first triple XXx and Vin as Domonic Toretto is the bloody definition of awesomeness

91hotrod on Jun 26, 2012


the xxx series and the fast and furious series were both fucking awesome movies and Vin Diesel is an awesome actor this guy should just keep his fucking mouth shut and keep his opinion to himself

j on Jul 29, 2012


You hate it more than almost all other film franchises, yet you've never seen either film? OK, I think the first film is terrible and cheesy, but its so terrible and cheesy that its great fun to watch with some friends and laugh at over a few beers. Plus it features Rammstein. The second film on the other hand is just dreadful and I wish I'd never set eyes on it. The thing is, I've formed these opinions based on seeing the films. If you pass judgement on something you've not bothered to watch you have no integrity whatsoever, pal.

Pete Jones on Sep 1, 2012

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