Eagle Eye Writers Working on a Blade Runner 2?!

September 29, 2008
Source: SlashFilm

Blade Runner

This is one of the most bizarre and unnerving stories you'll read all week - that's pretty much guaranteed. Peter from SlashFilm got an e-mail last week from a tipster who had attended a screening of Eagle Eye put on by the Creative Screenwriting magazine. During the Q&A with Travis Wright afterwards, Travis said that he was writing a sequel to Blade Runner. Peter made sure to confirm this with others who were in attendance at the Q&A and it seems that is exactly what he said. But this isn't an official decision by Warner Brothers. Apparently Wright and co-writer John Glenn are doing this entirely on their own without any studio involvement (yet), but have started contacting producers related to the original film.

The original e-mail mentioned that Wright said he was "in the process of writing a sequel to Blade Runner, and had already contacted the producers of the original, etc." Peter did some research and found out that Wright has been involved in a few Hollywood projects, including a remake of The Warriors and Louis Leterrier's Clash of the Titans. "Wright revealed at the Creative Screenwriting event that they have been working on various treatments for a Blade Runner sequel over the last couple years." But it's not just some idea they've been kicking around in their free time. "Travis also claims that they are already working with a pre-visualization team on some of the action sequences for their eventual pitch with the studio."

We'll be anxiously waiting to find out how this story develops and whether it is indeed completely true and, more importantly, whether the story they've put together is any good. My first reaction to this is quite negative, and I don't think I'm alone in that emotion, especially since Blade Runner is one of the most beloved sci-fi films ever made. I know I have a lot of respect for it and can't even fathom a sequel or anything even set in the same universe. However, I think everyone's initial reaction to this is going to be that of disgust until we're convinced otherwise. And that might not happen for a while. Either way, this is a very interesting story that we'll be following closely. Does anyone want to see a Blade Runner 2?


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I love Blade Runner and all, but a Blade Runner 2? Why?? Surely there are some great scifi stories begging to be adapted for the FIRST time.

vegeta on Sep 29, 2008


In Valen's name. Please let this be false. What fool director would even attempt this?

Film-Book dot Com on Sep 29, 2008


Its insanely rare (and I would like others to provide examples to prove me wrong) that a sequel to a film with this much space between has been a good contribution to the list of films ever made. The ONLY reason to make a sequel to Blade Runner would be for the money. There was never a call for more, and the only effect created by this film would be a majorly negative one. So in the last 12 months, weve had to put up with news of more uneeded remakes, or unneeded sequels/prequels than weve ever had before! Shits hit the fan, and to be honest, I blame the writers strike!

Marcus on Sep 29, 2008


This would kind of ruin the mystery of whether or not Deckard was a replicant, wouldn't it? No way Harrison Fard looks anything like when he was younger and I assume replicants wouldn't age (but I could be wrong).

Shane on Sep 29, 2008


Blade Runner is film classic. A sequel should never be made unless it is made by Ridley Scott himself. Since it isn't I say NO NO NO.

V Wilson on Sep 29, 2008


Would it be based on KW Jeter's novel Blade Runner 2?

Vole on Sep 29, 2008


Bladerunner wasn't part of a series, it was a single film that stands alone. How do you get to be a writer in Hollywood these days? Seems like an easy job, "Hey what's this old stuff from the past? Apparently people liked it, why not remake it, we'll chuck in some tricks and CGI, get a 'star' and it will be gold.

Crapola on Sep 29, 2008


I dont mind. I was never a big fan of Blade Runner, in fact I just saw it for the first time recently. I enjoyed it, and I can see why it's so popular, but the list of movies I prefer over Blade Runner is endless. I can understand why people are negative, but as I said, I was never a big fan, so I dont really care alot. I hope they make a sequel, and that it's worthy of Blade Runner (but i doubt it :P). If it's shitty, too bad. At the end of the day it's just fiction any way, you can pretend like it never happened if you wish. Blade Runner will still be Blade Runner.

MBD on Sep 29, 2008


Yeah... I'd say keep it as a stand alone. Unless, Cameron's doing the sequel (*cough* ailens!)... The other two remakes mentioned sound more interesting though.

jmoney on Sep 29, 2008


Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?

MrSatan on Sep 29, 2008


hey those dumb motherfuckers should start thinking about writing something original. Fuck those old movies. Blade runner was a masterpiece. Leave it alone.

Darrin on Sep 29, 2008


No Harrison Ford. No replicants on Earth. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, maybe. Anything else will just make Philip K. Dick turn in his grave.

Luis M on Sep 29, 2008


bladerunner wrapped itself up pretty well, i don't see a need for direct sequel.

Level1Alt on Sep 29, 2008


ridley scott said he might do a sequel when he feels the time is right. let him handle his own property and not these junior michael bay hacks. please god dont let hollywood ruin my favorite movie

mos on Sep 29, 2008


I agree with most of the posts here. No new Bladerunner please. Are there no more creative scifi ideas/stories to be told? Go and update something else, but please dont touch this one.

cyn on Sep 29, 2008


No. Positively no. Oh god no. No, no, no, no, no.

Cybaiotron on Sep 29, 2008


There are tons of interesting and original movies released every year. Unfortunately those are the hardest to find.

Red Buttons on Sep 29, 2008


What the hell? Sounds like they're going to make it a straight to DVD B-movie which will be loosely based on the original. Stupid idea.

Conrad on Sep 29, 2008


Please don't!

SillySil on Sep 29, 2008


Are you freakin' kidding me!!! Their are so many other stories they could adapt, leave this classic alone.

K on Sep 30, 2008


I'm with #3: they're in for the money. It's a terrible idea, with nothing original to bring on 20xx from a movie made in the 80's - and if it not more of the same, it isn't a Blade Runner, just a Sci-Fi Channel movie and the BR brand on it. I'm still waiting for Neuromancer (and, why not, all the Sprawl Trilogy). Done properly.

Fox on Sep 30, 2008


wtf? why don't they pcik another k. dick story instead. or is this what they are doing? they used this strange name once before to adapt his novel and his stories are linked sometimes. i'm not all against this. i'd like to see more of the freakish k. dick shit insted of this polished tom cruise crap. why don't the do ubik. i loved that book.

TN on Sep 30, 2008


You know what though? Whatever studio picks up this movie has to realize its aimed at sci-fi fans and the ones who oppose it almost wholeheartedly are the sci-fi fans themselves. No kids these days are going to see it, how many of them seen the first Blade Runner anyways? Its a no win situation for everybody; the targeted audience won't see it and they're just going to destroy another classic. When is all of this remake shit going to end?? Poltergiest, Robocop, now this? Everyone is trying to cash in on classics from my childhood but not giving them the respect they deserve. Indiana Jones.... dead, Aliens.... dead. Terminator.... dead (maybe). So many people in Hollywood that I wanna punch in the face, that list is endless now

?? on Sep 30, 2008


Such a bad idea as its not a franchise picture,Maybe a prequel would explain not ruin the masterpiece

kevin gladok on Sep 30, 2008


Boo! Seriously, why not make a sequel to Ben Hur or Gone with the Wind! If they actually write this sequel and make it I will boycott the director of the movie and the writers of the script for the rest of my damn life. Maybe if they used something by Phillip K Dick. If he had even notes on a sequel but to the best of my knowledge he didn't. Even a remake would be utterly horrible at this point. I just bought the four disc addition last year and it is still relevant and it still looks pretty damn good.

Kyle A. Koyote on Sep 30, 2008


#25: "Seriously, why not make a sequel to Ben Hur or Gone with the Wind!" Actually, it was already done (Gone With the Wind sequel), but good point nonetheless. Scarlett: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0108915/ Cheers!

Fox on Sep 30, 2008


If this is the most unnerving thing you read all week, you should probably leave your basement. Further, I'm not sure I want to agree with someone who pretty much called The Dark Knight the most definitive piece of cinema ever filmed.

Brobot9000 on Sep 30, 2008


Hollywood has some kind of theme every single year. Westerns, musicals, Space flicks, horror year, etc. The code name of the year is "The destruction of film classics"

Shige on Sep 30, 2008


Um Bladerunner was a movie I've watched since I was a kid. I've seen it countless times because it has such a cool 80's sci-fi, no-holds-bar feel to it, however I don't think its all that great. That might just be me but I don't know its got its own feel that's for sure, but as to whether or not that feeling is greatness? For me its not. That being said its its Bladerunner 2, it doesn't have anyone who's attached to the original so how could it spoil that sci-fi original? If they can make an awesome story with a unique gritty sci-fi feel to it like the original one had, they I'd be on board for that.

Richard on Sep 30, 2008


NO, we do NOT need a Blade Runner sequel. That movie was like catching lightening in a bottle. I hope this doesn't go forward.

Jovanka Vuckovic on Sep 30, 2008



Jeff on Sep 30, 2008


Blade Runner 2? That is just not right on so many levels....

DieHard Indy Fan on Oct 1, 2008


Talk about totally uneccessary. Blade Runner is a stand alone film, no sequel is needed. NOBODY was ever asking for a sequel to Blade Runner. Can't these writers come up with ANYTHING original, how did they even get their jobs? NOBODY was ever asking for a sequel to Blade Runner

SlashBeast on Oct 1, 2008


This is exactly what we thought when another beloved film of our past was given more sequels. And what did we get...Fucking Jar Jar Binks and three piles of shit Lucas called prequels. AARRGGG!

Bryanmakeup on Oct 1, 2008


I dont believe Im reading this. The stupid. It hurts my eyes.

amaranthisasin on Oct 1, 2008


The poor sap is proud they've begun the pre-visualization of action scenes – Like Blade Runner was anything about action sequences. Kill it. Now.

Tiny Turtle on Oct 6, 2008


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and writen by the same idiots that wrote the crap, mindless movie Eagle Eye? NO WAY.

Etherance on Jan 20, 2009


Actually, I would love to see Grep Bears EON adapted and made into a feature film. That would be a excellent.

Etherance on Jan 20, 2009

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