First Look: Aaron Johnson in Full Kick-Ass Costume!

October 7, 2008
Source: SlashFilm

First Look: Aaron Johnson in Full Kick-Ass Costume!

Ever since I sat down and actually read all 4 issues of Mark Millar's Kick-Ass that are currently out on shelves, I've been feverishly search for every last bit of info that I can find on Matthew Vaughn's in-production adaptation. We ran some set photos a few weeks back showing the opening scene being shot, but I know I've been patiently waiting for our first look at the actual Kick-Ass outfit. Thankfully the same scooper from previous has again dropped off a batch of photos over at SlashFilm and this time they actually include shots of Aaron Johnson in costume as Dave Lizewski. Unfortunately these are a bit confusing - because the full-size close up photos are not of Aaron Johnson but one of his stunt doubles instead.

The scene being shot with the red car isn't in any of the issues currently available, as far as I can tell. However, for those who have never once picked up a copy of the comic, now you get a chance to see what Dave Lizewski looks like in his costume (on the right). The kid, a high school dweeb, makes this costume himself and tries to go out in public and become a "superhero," even though he has no powers of any sort.


Again as a reminder - the guy on the right is not the actual actor playing Dave Lizewski. It's a stunt double from the set, but you can see Aaron Johnson in the smaller photos in costume. This looks great so far, at least coming from a big fan of the actual comic. I've been praising this adaptation all along and photos like this continue to show me that Matthew Vaughn is going to deliver one hell of an amazing adaptation of a great comic. I'm just very curious to see what studio ends up picking this up or seeing how they'll distribute it. I'm guessing all the studios who may be interested are waiting for some actual footage.


Find more posts: First Look, Hype



still looks like a dweeb!

dom on Oct 7, 2008


I'm going to have to pick up this comic. Seems like a cool idea.

Film-Book dot Com on Oct 7, 2008


Wow - A super hero costume that DOESN'T have painted on or sculpted in muscles! Novel concept!

Tom Brazelton on Oct 7, 2008


They should have John Romita Jr. make a special guest appearance in the film, alongside Warren Ellis. Always wondered what they looked like... Wait. This is Marvel. Will Stan Lee be making an appearance in this, then? Costume looks kinda Tron-ish, only w/out the blacklight f-ect.

djo on Oct 7, 2008


is this a comedy?

darrin on Oct 7, 2008


#4, Stan Lee only makes appearances in movies that feature characters HE has created/co-created. He didn't make an appearance in neither The Punisher or Ghost Rider and most likely won't show up in this one neither.

Frame on Oct 7, 2008


Judging by the comic so far, it's a split between brutal action and dark comedy, it's basically 'what if somebody actually tried to be a superhero in the real world'. The kid has no powers and it quickly becomes extremely violent, as one might assume a kid in tights trying to fight crime would be.

T Robert T on Oct 7, 2008


#6 - Agreed. And since Kick-Ass's association with the Marvel universe is tenuous at best... Well, you know.

Tom Brazelton on Oct 7, 2008


Well I'm a little behind on this series but the last issue I left off on (#3?) the kid was way skinnier than both those guys. Not going to totally let that ruin the movie for me, I just hope later on in the comic he starts lifting weights and gets his weight up so he can match those pictured.

D on Oct 7, 2008


I'm diggin' the car.

Bry from Chi on Oct 8, 2008


Actually, this does look like it can be pretty good, but Nic Cage seems to be the kiss-of-death recently.

Ryan on Oct 8, 2008


@#3 Yeah, I like that it looks homemade. I loved the Spider-Man movies but I NEVER thought Peter could make that costume when it took like 5 professionals to make it. So, I give them props for making all the costumes look homemade-chic.

Quadkicker on Nov 7, 2008

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