Kevin Smith Explains Why He Really Wants to Make Red State

October 10, 2008
Source: Ain't It Cool News

Kevin Smith

We're providing as much coverage of Kevin Smith's Zack and Miri Make a Porno as we possibly can, but considering I've already seen it, I'm also anxious for details on Kevin Smith's next movie - the horror film Red State. Just before I caught up with Kevin Smith myself (my interview will be up in a few weeks), Quint over at Ain't It Cool News spent some time chatting with Smith and at the end got a moment to talk with him about Red State. We've heard him mention before that the film is very bleak and very dark and will be a tough sell, but he gives some insight this time into why he's so passionate about still making it.

In talking about Red State, Smith explains that, "Problem is, the flick is bleak. Beyond bleak, even. Remember how bleak Dark Knight was? This flick makes the bleakness level in that flick seem Beverly Hills Chihuahua bleak." We've heard this exact same line in Smith's talk with STYD earlier in September. So if the film isn't getting any money, is being described as something so bleak it has no commercial value, and is a hopeless at the box office, why make it all? Here's a little lesson from a truly passionate filmmaker.

The question, then, would be "Why bother?" For some reason, I feel like I've gotta make this flick. Part of the reason is that I never really feel like a filmmaker most days; more of a writer who gets to direct his own flicks. Trying my hand at another genre that's 180 degrees away from anything else I've ever done might finally answer the question (for me) of whether or not I truly am a filmmaker, or just the guy who makes the dick and fart jokes movies. I suspect it's the latter. I guess we'll see. Maybe.

I don't care whether you hate his films or not, listening to Kevin Smith talk about anything is just as entertaining and inspiring as listening to Guillermo del Toro talk about making maquettes (that's a story for another day). That just means I love hearing this guy's comments on everything. I've loved almost all of his movies, so I don't know why he'd only be considered the guy who makes dick and fart jokes, but oh well. Stay tuned for our own interview with Kevin Smith in the next few weeks and be sure to follow the latest on Zack and Miri Make a Porno, including their behind-the-scenes webisodes titled "Money Shots".


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I agree, he could talk about his love for cooking and I would want to cook. I love listening to his stories, what he has to say, why he is doing a certain movie. Just let the man have his own late night show. I would watch it every night.

AllmightyKeim on Oct 10, 2008


Aw, Kevvy, you have the fan support and the connections to make the bleakest of bleak movies i'm sure. To us, you've been a filmmaker since we watched Clerks. You don't need to switch genre gears to find yourself, least of all for our approval. Just make the movie, Cannes that shit and throw predictions and worries to the wind. In the end, Kevin Smith will just be Kevin Smith and your fans will like you all the same. Besides, Kevin, the magic was in you all along, not the film. It was in you, right here (gestures towards the heart). . .

Voice Of Reason on Oct 10, 2008


Listen to the voice of reason Kev...you've won us all over for decades...I grew up with your films and in my eyes you're I've taken more inspiration from you than Hitchcock... I'll see this and anything else you do in the future...

Peloquin on Oct 10, 2008


as a hardcore fan of both kevin smith and of horror i cant wait to see this movie. though i dont know why the notion that a bleak horror film would be unmarketable. all the best horror is bleak and downbeat, thats the nature of it. when i pay to see a horror film i expect it to be bleak and merciless

adamsweet on Oct 10, 2008


I would listen to this man speak for hours.

Robert on Oct 11, 2008


People are such sheep. "Oh, I could listen to his love of cocksucking, and it would make me want to suck cock." You all should be so proud of your ability to be enthralled by someone who can talk. The guy is a total choad.

Kevinsmithsucks on Mar 18, 2011

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