Japanese Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Poster and Website

October 14, 2008
Source: Kotaku

Japanese Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Website

From one beloved Asian franchise to the next. They've already ruined Dragonball, so why not Street Fighter, too? Fox is in some deep shit already (for Dragonball) and I'm sure they're going to have to dig themselves out of this rut, too. We missed this news over the weekend (or maybe I thought the poster was ugly), but I thought I'd throw it out there today. A Japanese poster has been discovered and the official Japanese website for Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li has launched. Don't bother wasting your time on either of these unless you're a big fan or if you want a headache for the rest of the day.

To visit the utterly boring website for the film, head over to or just click the poster below. And other than that, you're more than welcome to look at this painfully ugly poster. Is it me or did they really try and make Canadian actress Kristin Kreuk look a bit too much like Chun-Li, who is of Chinese decent? Oh well, I guess that's what you get when Hollywood tinkers with a foreign franchise!

Japanese Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Poster

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li is being directed by ex-cinematographer Andrzej Bartkowiak, of Romeo Must Die, Exit Wounds, Cradle 2 the Grave, and Doom. The script for this was penned by up-and-coming screenwriter Justin Marks, who also penned screenplays for Masters of the Universe and Voltron. Hong Kong fight choreographer Dion Lam, who previously worked on The Matrix Trilogy, Spider-Man 2, and all of Bartkowiak's previous films, is handling the fight sequences. Fox currently has Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li set to arrive in theaters on February 27th, 2009.


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Spinning Bird Kick!

werdnafaz on Oct 14, 2008


Oh for fuck's sake, it's just a bloody poster. Honestly, Alex.

Ganaesh D. on Oct 14, 2008


#2 Im sure you dont say that when Alex features other posters... Quantum of Solace, Transporter 3, etc. Im sure you didnt have something stupid to say about those. Its just a poster but your commenting on it, i guess it served its purpose. Anyway she looks like Chun Li, but i would like to see a trailer.

big r on Oct 14, 2008


If you had actually looked just a very little bit deeper, you would have found that Kristin Kreuk is also of Chinese descent - her mother is Chinese-Indonesian.

R on Oct 14, 2008


i doesn't matter, once she's hot and could fight well hell yea for me.

darrin on Oct 14, 2008


What sensible person could possibly care whether or not a movie based on Street Fighter is a truly 'good' movie? Come on, let's just enjoy Chun Li here, and then maybe think about the art of film a little later. But, yeah, the poster could have been better.

vegeta on Oct 14, 2008


Posters are usually different given the vicinities that they appear, so what might look uninspired to one particular audience may resonate well with another. I'll pass my judgment on the film once I've seen it.

Altair on Oct 14, 2008


a lo of teaser posters suck. a lot. doesn't say much about the film...though my hopes aren't high

fanboy d on Oct 14, 2008


I don't see any problem with the poster. It's not ugly at all. It's a simple design and it's a teaser, so it doesn't give too much away, only enough to keep you interested. She actually looks a lot like Chun-li in the poster, though we'll still have to wait for a trailer to see how the rest of the world will look. I like how they haven't revealed any other characters, so they can keep us as fans guessing on who might show up. Not saying they're going to do this right, but to say the poster is ugly I don't think is really necesarry.

maverick on Oct 14, 2008


www doesn't work

dac_fan on Oct 14, 2008


Honestly, Dragonball isn't going to be THAT bad. Stephen Chow is producing it so it can't possibly be all that bad. So long as it keeps true to the story, I don't care about the aesthetics.

Kail on Oct 14, 2008


No one can honestly say they have high hopes for this film. We all know it's gonna suck. How another Street Fighter movie was greenlit is a mystery. As far as Kristin goes, I could care less about seeing her on film ever again. I know it's not her fault, but she got on my nerves so bad on Smallville, I could go years without seeing her face. Sure, she's cute, but as other pointed out, she's an Americanized Chun-Li, which, just like Dragonball with end badly. I don't care how much Chinese blood she has. StreetFighter is a 2-D world that doesn't translate to film.

TCox on Oct 14, 2008


@ #3: I don't comment here much. I think this one might be my fourth. And no, I don't really care much for movie posters. I'd rather be interested (or not) in the movie itself.

Ganaesh D. on Oct 14, 2008


?@#7.....this is street fighter

JaeJokah on Oct 14, 2008


never mind i seen them mention fault..

JaeJokah on Oct 14, 2008


shut the fuck up Alex. You SOB Dragonball will be awesome action wise. What as so good about that gian stupid fucking robot movie? It had nothing except sweet sfx and some cool explosions. It was garbage yet you all internet movie blogger assholes supported it. Fuck you all. Dragonball will be good.

Jojo on Oct 14, 2008


The Dragonball movie will suck and so will this new Street Fighter movie, anyone who doesn't know that is in serious denial. Plus, why can't Ryu be the main character, why Chun-Li?

SlashBeast on Oct 14, 2008


@ 17: I agree with you, both these movies are destined to make it to the dvd rack very quickly. Just look at who's directing the movie speaks for itself already. But to answer your last question, why Chun-Li and not Ryu? Because the movie is called "The Legend of Chun Li". It would be pretty dumb if Ryu was the main character with this title, don't you think?

Omega728 on Oct 14, 2008


Where's the King of Fighters movie? Or Art of Fighting? There's plenty more good material to make bad movies from out there! 🙂

avoidz on Oct 14, 2008


this certainly sucks, i have nothing against Kreuk, she is beautiful and does look like she can pull off Chun-li. but the looks of this movie it looks to be a rehash of the JCVD one and that makes me sad, if some competent director and screen writer could take it seriously i'd love to see Kreuk as Chun-li.

The Delightful Deviant on Oct 14, 2008


I have no high hopes for Dragon Ball or this Street Fighter Movie. However, I favour this one just a little more because they at least got the right look and concept based on the original. The logo as least looks like part of the Street Fighter series and the movie is backed up by Capcom!! Ban Dai is not even part of the Dragonball movie!!

Joe C. on Oct 15, 2008


21, they have the right look to a certain degree.. i remember when Alex featured some filming shots on here and balrog was holding a gun. I dont know what thats about but i was immediately turned off. Like i said i hope to see a trailer. To those wondering why not Ryu. Maybe they dont know how it will turn out so they started with chun li to build up doing more in the future.. thats just a thought

big r on Oct 15, 2008


this is the worst poster i've ever seen. a retarded child could've made this.

fuelbot on Oct 15, 2008


Wow. Just remember Fox=Fox Searchlight though :)!

Ryan on Oct 15, 2008


I think this movie might lead 2 a ryu and ken movie maybe, but i will make a judgement on the movie when the tralier comes out. Also dragonball movie will at least do desent enough for a sequal i mean it dosen't look bad and it has a huge following.

steven B. on Oct 15, 2008


Kristin kruek is half Chinese, dumb-ass .all the chun li pictures doesn't exactly say full Asian on them, the first Chun li had light brown hair..... >:( giving you the impression she COULD be mix, even though she has a full asian name, that just means her dad is asian. dude, get your fact right. just because Zhang Ziyi didn't get to play chun li doesn't mean you get to bash kristin kruek.......>:( AND KRISTIN KRUEK LOOKS LIKE CHUN LI ,AND SHE IS.......... SO DEAL WITH IT.

misboywon on Oct 18, 2008


Kristin is Half-Chinese but doesn't look Chinese. Hope this movie movie will be a hit.

hehehe0229 on Dec 12, 2008


who better judge whos asian looking then an asian... and trust me, she looked chinese. this is not a movie about "cun li" per se...but how chun li became chun li. BACKSTORY!!!! it wasnt bad actually. ...and chun li's mom is not asian at all... half descent.

jace on Feb 26, 2009

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