Angels and Demons Viral - Canister of Antimatter Discovered!

October 31, 2008
Source: VideoETA

Angels and Demons Viral - Canister of Antimatter Discovered!

Anyone who has read Dan Brown’s “Angels & Demons” knows that a missing canister of antimatter is one of the most important elements of the entire story. So it’s fitting that Sony has quietly launched a bit of viral marketing for Angels & Demons that involves just that. Thanks to the guys over at VideoETA, we’ve got our first look at the very first part of the viral campaign for Angels & Demons. A message was hidden within the teaser trailer that was launched earlier this week that pointed to a website that shows a “live” video stream of the missing antimatter canister, which is another plot element taken directly from the book.

The message was discovered within the Illuminati ambigram featured in the trailer. When I first watched the trailer, I knew that ambigram felt out of place, so I have a feeling this is only the beginning of a much grander viral marketing plan for Angels & Demons. If you darken the ambigram, you’ll see a message hidden within the letters that spells out “Altars of Science” – which are the four fictional locations in Rome that make up the “Path of Illumination” which leads to the meeting place of the Illuminati. Plug in that address – – and you’ll be taken the video stream of the antimatter canister.

Illuminati ambigram

So what does this all mean? Without giving away too much, in the book, they find a video stream (that looks exactly like this one) of an antimatter canister hidden somewhere within Vatican City. As we soon come to find out, this antimatter can blow up, which makes it an imminent terrorist threat. There are plenty more details that surround the antimatter canister, but it’s almost pointless to go into all of them when I just suggest reading the book instead. The website shows the video stream and has a countdown timer on the bottom – which for the sake of the movie is counting down to its release date on May 15th, 2009.

All of this may only make sense if you’ve read the book and know what’s going on, but it’s still very cool anyway. Seeing that antimatter is also a bit eerie, because it’s what creates all of the suspense in the book. And seeing it in real life gives me chills because I’ve only ever imagined what it would look like and now it’s sitting there on the screen in front of me. I hate to say it again, but The Dark Knight viral has provided much inspiration for Hollywood and now other studios are trying extensive viral marketing schemes. And I’m already getting a good vibe from this one for Angels & Demons and it hasn’t even really started yet!


Find more posts: Hype, Viral Marketing



stop talking about dark knight, seriously...

djw on Oct 31, 2008


wtf? Spoilers? I didn't read the goddamn book!

sd on Nov 1, 2008


@ #1 Why? He is referencing it to viral marketing.. and probably the best viral marketing for a movie was TDK.. so back off @ #2 "So what does this all mean? Without giving away too much, in the book," shut the fuck up. Sweet Alex imma have to check this out...

CSpuppydog on Nov 1, 2008


yes, I've read the book. This canister is pretty cool tidbit to the story. But there a bigger part of all that. By the way, that symbol in the picture, that reads "illuminati" - wiki it.

Conrad on Nov 2, 2008


Conrad - what's the clue from wiki? I can't find it!!!

Jess on Dec 10, 2008


Lots of movies LONG before TDK used Viral marketting. Cloverfield, and even as FAR back as The Blair Witch Project and EVEN BEFORE THAT OMG WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?! But really, Viral marketing wasn't invented by the creators of TDK. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the movie and their viral marketing, but I'm just stating that, they're not the first. Also, a lot of musicians have been doing it for quite some time. See: Nine Inch Nails, The Mars Volta, and others.

Garrett on Feb 2, 2009


Actually Cloverfield jump started the viral marketing thing lately, but whatever. It's kinda weird anyway. The viral marketing thing is cool and all, but I mean if everyone starts doing it, it's pretty lame. You dig?

Megan on Feb 4, 2009


The best thing about Dan Brown's movie is that it has people talking about previously "unknown" topics, such as "antimatter," this is a good thing. Like it or not, exposing the lay-populous to science (even slightly distorted) is better than not exposing them at all. The higher the interest, the more likely increased, or additional, funding for future years. I am especially pleased with the hieghtened interest because I am the author of a modern deductive model that is astonishingly more tightly to the physical/experimental record than anything that has come before. The centerpiece of the new model is the Dominium central premise that matter and antimatter gravitationally repel. Come see, join, follow, or challenge the Dominium at I also find it highly ironic that this Vatican LHC annihilation film coincides to battles to stop LHC because of apocalyptic concerns.

Hasanuddin on Jun 11, 2009


i have see lots movies of but this movie is different from other i have see this movie after it can possible at this time and Illuminati people is hear and do punish to people

Anand kumar on Jan 18, 2011

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