Exclusive: Megan Fox and Paul Giamatti Join Ironclad Cast

November 8, 2008

Megan Fox and Paul Giamatti

Today we picked up a very interesting casting scoop on an upcoming project called Ironclad. A source close to the production mentioned that Megan Fox and Paul Giamatti have joined the cast alongside of Richard Attenborough and Bob Hoskins. Ironclad is somewhat of a castle epic based on the true story of the great siege of Rochester castle. Jonathan English (of Minotaur and Nailing Vienna previously) wrote the story and will produce and direct the film, which will start shooting next March with a rumored budget of $25 million. The addition of Fox and Giamatti have otherwise put this project into the spotlight.

In the year 1215, the rebels of England forced the tyrannical King John to put his royal seal on the Magna Carta, but months later he broke the seal and assembled an army to take over the country again. In his way was the Rochester castle, a place that would become the symbol of the rebel's struggle for justice and freedom. The last relatively small budget castle film that I can remember was Doomsday and I absolutely hated the way that turned out. Hopefully with Giammati, Attenborough, Hoskins and Fox on board, and a history-based story, this will turn out better. Take this casting as a rumor until the trades confirm it.

Update: Variety ran a story on the film back in May and mentioned that "Paul Giamatti [is] in talks to play... King John." It looks like they at least got Giamatti and also added Megan Fox to the cast as well.


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Haha comparing a period epic to Doomsday's takeover of a souvenir shop...I wouldn't really say the two have much in common.

peloquin on Nov 8, 2008


I wouldn't say they have much in common at all. This will be decent but not great.

Scott McHenry on Nov 8, 2008

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