John Carpenter Has a Brutal Gangster Film in the Works?

November 18, 2008
Source: CHUD

John Carpenter

The legendary horror master John Carpenter (seen above) hasn't done any work for the big screen since 2001, when he last wrote and directed Ghosts of Mars, a movie which most have come to hate. However, there's apparently a gangster project floating around with Carpenter's name attached - titled The Prince. Carpenter is actually in pre-production on a film with Nic Cage titled Riot that has been in the news quite a bit recently. Thanks to the guys at CHUD, we have some early details on The Prince, and if there's any project I hope Carpenter does next after Riot, I hope it's this. Once you hear what it's about, you'll agree.

Devin recently spoke with Jeremy Passmore, who is writing the script for The Prince along with Andre Fabrizio. "We were trying to do Unforgiven as a gangster movie, because we're both just huge fans of that." So far so good - but what is it about? "The premise is that this guy was the most [badass] gangster of all time in Las Vegas, and he's left the life and created this whole new world. His wife died but he's raising his kid. He's living in the middle of nowhere and he's this very religious, trying to live a straight life guy. His daughter is now going to school at UCLA and she disappears, and he goes looking for her. The trail leads to Vegas and he has to go get her, and the entire city kind of comes down on top of him."

If you're familiar with John Carpenter, you know that a gangster movie isn't exactly his forte (horror is). "It's a bit of a departure. It's definitely more of a very character based crime movie." Passmore adds that the version Fabrizio and Carpenter were happiest with was "brutal and violent and dark at the end." Unfortunately he doesn't know the status or whether or not this will ever get made, but at least they've got a script and a director. From this concept alone, I'm actually very interested in seeing this, and I really hope it comes together. Carpenter doing a gangster movie might actually result in something quite badass.


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A master of the macabre and a gangster premise might just be a winning combination. I like John Carpenter's work. With exception of "Ghosts of Mars"(1991) and "Escape from L.A" (1996), his flicks had that classic horror flare with rich subliminal textures that made his work really stand out (Ex: "They Live" (1988). He might just have a hit on his hands if this flick materializes!

Spider on Nov 18, 2008


You guys can't escape Cage. With apparently 9 films out in 09 he is going to be everywhere. And i will be happy 😛

Red Buttons on Nov 18, 2008


Nicolas Cage is a talentless asswipe. I guarantee his 9 films in 09 will all be garbage. And i will be happy.

Zinglebert Bemzidak on Nov 18, 2008


Who will play this.... super gangster? Bruce Willis? Alec Baldwin? Robert Forster? Bea Arthur?

JL on Nov 18, 2008


Sounds like... TAKEN w. Liam Neeson. MAN ON FIRE esque as well.

Mel on Nov 18, 2008


All i care about is Escape from Earth. Make it happen!!!

REAL6 on Nov 19, 2008


This sounds a bit like History of Violence

JBruns on Nov 19, 2008


Heck, this movie sounds EXACTLY like Unforgiven. They might as well have gone the extra step and made it Unforgiven in space, or Unforgiven in an undersea colony. Or just follow all the Die Hard variations: Unforgiven on a bus, Unforgiven on a boat, Unforgiven on a plane, Unforgiven at a hockey game... I liked Ghosts of Mars. It was good, cheesy, bloody fun. With Ice Cube.

kevjohn on Nov 19, 2008


There's one guy that could pull this role off, Sylvester Stallone.

John on Dec 24, 2008

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