Daniel Craig Wants Q and Moneypenny in the Next Bond

December 7, 2008
Source: Collider

Daniel Craig as James Bond

With Quantum of Solace already passing the $150 million mark, things are still looking bright for the future of the James Bond franchise now lead by Daniel Craig. Even though not everyone loved Solace, most have come to respect Craig as a formidable Bond that challenges the likes of even Sean Connery. Being a huge Bond fan myself, I'm already anxious to see where the franchise will go next, especially since Solace finally finishes the origin of Bond and puts us on track to see the kind of stories we've been familiar with since Dr. No in 1962. Collider talked with Craig recently and got an update on where they might head next.

"We've finished this story as far as I'm concerned," Craig asserts. "We've got a great set of bad guys. There is an organization that we can use whenever we want to. The relationship between Bond and M is secure and Felix is secure. Let's try and find where Moneypenny came from and where Q comes from. Let's do all that and have some fun with it." I'm actually very impressed by Craig's understanding of the Bond franchise and know that we're in good hands with him leading the way. I'd love to see an origin of Q and an origin of Moneypenny story, although I'm slightly worried - since Desmond Llewelyn passed away, no one has been able to fill his shoes. Would they actually find a suitable alternative that isn't John Cleese?

As for when we'll see the next Bond movie, Craig doesn't even know. "We don't know when we're going to do the next Bond. Nobody's thinking about it at the moment. We're giving it a rest for the moment. If I can squeeze something in next year I will... but I haven't figured out what that'll be yet." Bond 23, as it's currently being called, is tentatively scheduled for 2010, because the time between Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace was also two years. Just like the team behind The Dark Knight, however, everyone is taking a break and no one is thinking about the sequel just yet. Don't worry, it'll happen soon enough!


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Hugh Laurie = Q.

Hauitzer on Dec 7, 2008


#1's got the right idea. Laurie makes perfect sense.

al on Dec 7, 2008


David Wenham = Q

Scott McHenry on Dec 7, 2008


#1 does have the right idea if they're seeking to continue the gritty, tough concept that Bond SHOULD be. However, I can almost see Simon Pegg getting the job of Q. I'm not sure how I'd feel about that...

Quanah on Dec 7, 2008


#1 - Best. Idea. Ever.

N on Dec 7, 2008


#5 already said it, but I think #1's suggestion would be a casting choice as (or more) inspired than Daniel Craig.

DinoChow on Dec 7, 2008


I'm totally kidding when i suggest Russell Brand. I think Hugh Laurie would be great

Twanzel on Dec 7, 2008


I didn't like the first one and really was bored with the 2nd one, whats up with these new boring ass bond movies? I'll give them props for good action and hand to hand combat but the stories suck, they are like bourne movies without the story.

Richard on Dec 7, 2008


Sir Ian McKellen

Cajun_Mike on Dec 7, 2008


dude michael caine.

Darrin on Dec 7, 2008


I just love the idea of Daniel Craig and Hugh Laurie having confrontations during the movie. Just imagine: Laurie: You have no respect for this equipment!! It seems like every time you even tie your shoes it somehow results in the utter destruction of valuable machinery!! Craig: Guess you'll have to learn to concentrate on durability and not just making everything shiny, eh?

Houseman on Dec 7, 2008


If not Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry. Either way, I'm sold.

Ellinikos on Dec 7, 2008


i would love to see Simon Pegg as Q ,he has the humour and sarcasm to pull it off

vanstone on Dec 7, 2008


What I loved about the classic humour of the Q and Bond relationship was Q always being on the receiving end of Bond destroying his precious gadgets and cars. But I think we are used to seeing Hugh Laurie in this position of power eg House where he is the one who ridicules others. If the new Bond movie retains this tradition, I don't think Laurie could pull off being seen as a 'weaker' man to one we are so used to seeing.

Ninjabear on Dec 8, 2008


Wow, Hugh Laurie. That's brilliant, I didn't even think of him but it's actually pretty obvious. Good call!

Syphous on Dec 8, 2008


Ninjabear, Q never came off as the "weaker" man between Q and Bond; he always seemed to take an approach that Bond was reckless and a bit of an idiot (an idea Bond obviously played up on), clearly thinking he was the superior wit between the two. I think Laurie could definitely pull that off.

Liz on Dec 8, 2008


michael caine will be good.

Valeska on Dec 8, 2008


Apparently #1 has the right idea. I certainly can't think of anyone who would do better than Laurie. Alternatively, he would make a pretty swell villain as well. Or if they wanted someone older for the role, George Lazenby. hah!

kevjohn on Dec 8, 2008


Morgan Freeman! Then it could be like Dark Knight. Oh, Dark Knight! Spluge!

LeftHanded on Dec 8, 2008


#1 Hugh Laurie = Q. Excellent. I'm all for that. Laurie is very capable of pulling himself away from House, and seeing him speak with he real accent would be welcome. He's got excellent comedic chops, and would be able to handle the technical jargon, seeing as what he's been spouting on House these last few years.

CMK on Dec 8, 2008


Hugh Laurie = Awesome. He'd make a great Q. What about Moneypenny, though? For some reason, Scarlett Johansson pops up in my head.

Kyle on Dec 8, 2008


Nah not Scarlett it'll definitely be somebody British. Also does she really need to be blonde. I can see Craig and Kate Beckinsale working. But she'll command some money though.

FVD on Dec 8, 2008


Hugh Laurie would be a brilliant casting choice for Q. John Cleese is a good man and a terrific comedian, but he's simply not right for Q. As for Ms. Moneypenny, I'd like to see Rachel Weisz or Keira Knightley.

Mr. Mustard on Dec 14, 2008


Daniel Craig has moved the franchise from what looked like a part of Grimm's Fairy tales to a grim tale. Hopefully the upcoming movies a lot lighter.

Kartik on Dec 24, 2008


Miss Moneypenny - Keeley Hawes, she is the right age, plain gorgeous and a good actress. Q - Hugh Laurie would be interesting. I liked John Cleese, it's not his fault the writing was terrible in D.A.D. I think he should be given a chance aswell. If not maybe James Bolam?

Josh T on Jan 10, 2009


I agree with # 4. It might sound like a wierd person to play him and he obviously cannot beat the original Q but I think it could work out. I can imagine Bond using something and it blows up only for Pegg to be yelling at the top of his lungs while in Q's office

CD on Jan 13, 2009


What about Liam Nesson As Q I think he'd be a good choice for Q. For money Penny i think that Samantha Bond Should return to the role of Money Penny. they already had a blond Money Penny during the Dalton Era of Bond. Or maybe Robin Williams should take a shot for the Part of Q he might make it.

Kaleb Kochensparger on Mar 11, 2009


#1: You're absolutely right!! Hugh would be the best man for the job. 🙂 Being a James Bond villain has always been his on his wish list as an actor! (he mentioned in one of the interviews a while back) And with both their exceptional qualites, it would make the film so much more interesting! Just imagine the two HOTTIES on the big screen. Prepare your drool buckets. XP

Natalie on May 24, 2009

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