David S. Goyer Directing The Invisible Man Before Magneto

December 12, 2008
Source: Collider, CHUD

The Invisible Man

We've known that David S. Goyer, the director of the upcoming horror film The Unborn, has been working on a new version of The Invisible Man for quite some time, so it's not news that he's re-adapting H.G. Wells' classic story. However, it is news that it will most likely be his next project, as Fox is waiting for X-Men Origins: Wolverine to hit theaters first before they decide to give him the greenlight on the Magneto spin-off. A couple of reports have popped up today, one from Collider and another from CHUD, that include an update from Goyer on the status as well as a few more plot details, although it's nothing we haven't already heard before. For those of you who are anxious to see this get started, you're in luck.

"[The property] was laying fallow, so when I came to them with my crazy idea they were excited," Goyer told CHUD. Apparently he came up with a crazy new idea, potentially even involving steampunk elements, as we've mentioned previously. As for the story, Goyer explains that it is a direct sequel to James Whale's 1933 Invisible Man and that "it actually begins in the last page of the book, where it's said that the Invisible Man wrote all of his secrets in these little notebooks, and they're still out there. Scotland Yard becomes aware that they're out there and they really want to get their hands on them." Goyer told Collider more specifically that "the character is the nephew of the original Invisible Man and he perfects the ability. After perfecting it, he's captured by Scotland Yard and he can either work for them or be dissected."

At this point, I've heard enough about the story to be convinced that it could be good, and just want to Goyer actually get started on it. I haven't seen The Unborn yet (thanks for not inviting me Universal), but still do think it looks like Goyer may finally prove that he's as good as a director as he is a writer (The Dark Knight, anyone?). If Unborn turns out as good as everyone is hoping, then this Invisible Man reboot will become a lot more exciting, as if it's not already. In fact, I'm probably more interested in seeing what Goyer will do to this story than I am in even seeing The Unborn. I guess H.G. Wells is a lot more exciting to me than watching a creepy ghost try to inhabit a hot girl in panties. How about you?


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Invisibility always hooks me. Sold.

NadaNuff on Dec 12, 2008


He should get back to work on a sequel to The Dark Knight

WB EXEC on Dec 12, 2008


Goyer didn't write The Dark Knight, Chris Nolan and his brother did. Goyer, along with Nolan, is credited with the story but as far as the screenplay goes he didn't touch it. "Goyer may finally prove that he's as good as a director as he is a writer" but that leap would only be from shit director, to average director. Goyer's best scripts (Dark City and Batman Begins) were co-written by Alex Proyas and Christopher Nolan respectively and Blade 1 and 2 were only good because of their directors. Look at what happened with Blade: Trinity- I couldn't give a shit about the Invisible Man but if Magneto turns out as poor as that I will be extremely disappointed. The Last Stand was disappointing enough. What they should do is get David Hayter back to co-write the script with Goyer (I think that would be a pretty good writing combo for a comic book movie) and hire a different director. You know, on the subject of the Blade franchise, maybe they could do is bring Stephen Norrington out from whatever rock he crawled under after LXG and give him another shot at directing, at least he showed some potential with Blade. On a side note, I hope David Benioff did a good job with Wolverine. I have much more faith in that than I do with Magneto at this point.

Some Guy on Dec 12, 2008


I dont like it

Scott McHenry on Dec 12, 2008


ALEX, why does it say new version on Invisible man when they are making it a direct sequel? Which is it, sequel or Remake. Also, Alex are you going to batch the original like you did Day The Earth Stood Still? ha

wm on Dec 12, 2008


I meant bash the original. fucking spell check

wm on Dec 12, 2008

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