Watchmen Updates Galore - New Photos, Viral Site, and More!

January 8, 2009

The Comedian - Watchmen

One might imagine that with the legal battle at its height, talk of Watchmen would be at a standstill, but it happens to be quite the opposite. We've already featured a few new videos for Watchmen this week, but there's more today. First up, and most importantly, is news that Warner Brothers is asking that Judge Gary A. Feess move up the trial in which he will decide the outcome of the legal battle to as early as Monday, because "time is critical." Speaking of critical, Total Film has another new batch of photos. And the MPAA has rated the Tales of the Black Freighter animated tie-in movie R for "violent and grisly images."

If you haven't heard, both Fox and Warner Brothers have agreed to let Judge Feess decide whether to issue an injunction against the film's release or not. This legal battle has reached a point where the studios can no longer figure things out between themselves, so they're letting the judge make the decision. Initially, a trial was set for January 20th, but WB is asking that it be moved up because they can't wait any longer. The studios are now battling over the key issue of whether the judge's decision made on Christmas Eve allows Fox to stop the film's release or whether they should proceed to a trial over money damages.

For those who are fans of viral games, a new viral site for Watchmen is set to launch next week. Located at TheNewFrontiersman.net, the site is an online version of a magazine called The New Frontiersman. In the Watchmen comic, Rorschach is obsessed with conspiracy theories, and gets much of his information from a far right-wing magazine called The New Frontiersman. There is no content on the site right now, but the seal will break early next week, and there will be a fair bit of content on the site leading up to the release of the film (which is currently set for March 6th), including photos, documents and video.

Not only is this is a very tense time as we wait for new updates on the legal battle nearly every day, but it's also exciting, as more and more photos and features are being revealed as we near (the original) release date. As a reminder, Total Film has a new batch of photos, in case you're interested. And for those curious to know more about this Tales of the Black Freighter animated movie, head over to this article. The clock is ticking down, and as long as Warner Brothers still gets to keep the March 6th date, Watchmen may finally be here a lot sooner than later. It's been years in the making and it's almost time. Nervous or excited?


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Wow, its seems like every week we keep getting new Watchmen updates. I seriously have to stop looking at them..

Nikhil Hariharann on Jan 8, 2009


excited, why the heck be nervous?

Scott McHenry on Jan 8, 2009


My prediction, based on what we've seen from this judge so far: The ruling will stop the release of the film and order WB to give the film to Fox to distribute, with a margin of profits still going to WB. That's probably a mid-point scenario. Best-case would be WB keeps the date and gives Fox a shitload of money. Worst-case is that the film goes to Fox completely.

DinoChow on Jan 8, 2009


Dino - As much as I'd hate to say (or rather, WB would be pissed off to hear it), but I'd be happier to see WB give a LOT of money to Fox than have the release date change. This thing is on a course to have a HUGE opening on March 6th... So as long as it stays on that course, I don't think they'll have to worry about paying them a chunk of that change.

Alex Billington on Jan 8, 2009


I'm looking forward to seeing what content shows up on the newfrontiersman.

Film-Book dot Com on Jan 8, 2009


Fox's lawyers are doing their job, Warner Bros.'s lawyers dropped the ball. Period. I also think Dino's first prediction is right on the nose.

Film-Book dot Com on Jan 8, 2009


If Dino is right and this film goes to fox, I will boycott all of their movies their television programs, everything. They threw this film away, and WB breathed life into it and allowed Snyder to make a masterpiece out of it. Fox is just coming in like a Con-Man trying to get $$$ for nothing. I will never watch anything w/ the Fox Logo on it, ever again.

TJ on Jan 8, 2009


I agree Alex---WB should just pay up and get it over with. Some people can't be reasoned with, and the people at Fox are those kinds of people. If this goes all the way to trial, Watchmen is screwed. Everybody go over to Hitfix (it's a new site) and read this: producer Lloyd Levin has just written an open letter about the history of the film. You can tell how passionate he is, and he sums up why Fox is wrong elegantly and brilliantly. WB gave money to a project so far outside the ballpark that the move can only be described as revolutionary. Here's the URL: http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/2008-12-6-motion-captured/posts/2009-1-8-an-open-letter-from-watchmen-producers

DinoChow on Jan 8, 2009


I so dont want to keep watching bit and pieces of a movie that I really want to see in it's entirity. What's up with you dude? Is selling out THAT easy for you??? Oh, yea.... you live in like, bug fuck, nowhere.

smacky on Jan 8, 2009


I was waiting for the viral content to come, and New Frontiersman is the perfect choice! I'll be following that closely.

Lady Aerin on Jan 8, 2009

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