Another Great Poster for Steven Soderbergh's Che: Part Two

January 9, 2009
Source: Empire

Steven Soderbergh's Che Poster

If you haven't already noticed, I'm a big admirer of great poster designs. Unfortunately we all too often see a lot of terrible posters over the year. So when one pops up that breaks the norm and looks fantastic, I'm always excited to share it. And thankfully, Steven Soderbergh's Che has been gaining momentum anyway due to its expansion into 9 more cities over the next few weeks. Thanks to Empire we've got our first look at the UK quad poster for Che: Part Two. The reason why I love this poster so much is because they took a considerably old and stale photo and gave it new life and new energy on a fantastic poster.

For those interested, the back-to-back "Roadshow Edition" of Che will be expanding to theaters in Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington DC starting on January 16th. Additionally, beginning on January 21st, Che will also be available at home via IFC In Theaters on-demand service. I highly suggest checking it out in theaters if you have the opportunity!

Che: Part Two Poster

Che is a true life historical epic made up of two individual films (The Argentine and Guerrilla) that chronicle the life of Argentinian revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara. Both films are directed by Steven Soderbergh, of Traffic, Solaris, The Good German, and the Ocean's trilogy previously. The screenplays were written by Peter Buchman, of Jurassic Park III and Eragon previously, and are based on Guevara's actual memoirs. IFC Films is releasing both films together in limited theaters on December 12th, followed by individual theatrical releases for each film on its own starting in early January 2009.


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awww no denver...for some reason I am looking forward to seeing this looks like del toro did a magnificent job

Cody on Jan 9, 2009


Yeah this looks good, I just with it wasnt glorifying a pretty bad guy, but hey i'll see it

Scott McHenry on Jan 9, 2009


OH MY GOD GET POSTER!!!!! STUPID MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BORING & BAD ACTING!!! Nuked the fridge!

andy54321 on Jan 9, 2009



twispious on Jan 10, 2009


As films go, Part 1 was better - saw them as one complete film with an intermission.. it should never have been split into 2 films - if people catch 2 on its own - there will be disappointment.

dom on Jan 10, 2009


Oh an that poster has had some photoshop work done to it - when he's pointing his gun like that, he's on a hillside with trees covering all around, there is no mountain landscape like that. It's his last stand if you will.

dom on Jan 10, 2009


I wont give a penny to this garbage...not even on pay per view! hollywood glorifying and revising history yet again. Che may have spouted out a bunch of revolutionary talk, but when it came down to it, he was an oppressor to those he supposedly helped "liberate" look into all the families and individuals who had to lay down under his controlling boot once his revolutions were over, no freedom to choose their own futures, no freedom of self, they had to work for the new govts, they had to give up their private property (not to be re-appropriated to the "people" but kept by the "revolutionaries" Freedom fighter? he was just another oppressor who wanted what the other bully had. and on another note, wearing the shirts, badges, flags and posters with his face on it goes directly against all his "revolutionary" rhetoric just as much as making movies of him does...

lando on Jan 10, 2009


lando - have you seen the film?

ryderup on Jan 10, 2009


Awesome! I'll be sure to catch the Philly showing.

Ryan on Jan 10, 2009


can anyone tell me if part 1 is 4 hours long or that the total time of part 1 and 2?

Ernesto on Jan 12, 2009


Part 1 was brilliant... .I haven't seen Part 2 yet .... Benicio does a fantastic job and the Cinematography is phenomenal. As stated, the films are about Che Guevara and taken from Che's own personal memoirs.... Not from some third person who hated his guts. We've heard enough talk from Americanized propeganda and what they want to teach you in school. If you're logical in any way, you will look at this from his point of view and see it for that. Not for what's "right/wrong or accurate in your own mind".... Were you there? No... So save your attempts at intelligence talk and just watch the film for it being a film.... and seeing another point of view on the subject... Che's point of view. Brilliance is brilliance.... And judging the film negatively because it clashes with your own theory, is ignorant. Just like most did with 'Passion Of The Christ'. Just watch it for what it is, for Christ's sake. (no pun intended)

Brent on Feb 19, 2009


Seen it, liked benicio, liked the camera work, didnt care for the movie. I understand the "Americanized propaganda" fear, but my viewpoint comes directly from families that were there under his oppressive boot! a family who had a sick child but werent allowed to seek the best doctors out of fear that they would leave..Ive grown up in Miami since the 70's and have met people (besides family members) who fought side by side with "Cliche' Guevara" and know from first hand accounts what an oppressive hypocritical prick this man truly was! Even those who supported the revolution were betrayed by Cliche, Fidel and crew! so you can spout all the pseudo revolutionary crap from your over the counter revolution (TV SHOWS) without knowing first hand what you are talking about and let the grown ups express known fact, not made up memoirs. Memoirs are written by the person and not absolute fact..Im sure hitlers memoirs would have been just as "Brilliant" or perhaps best read as "Another point of view, HIS point of view"? You can change words and definitions and try to make yourself look great after the fact, but crap is still crap. No matter how idolized or politicaly corrected you dress your life to be.

lando on Feb 19, 2009

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