Jaime King Explains Sin City 2's Development Troubles

January 11, 2009
Source: Collider

Jaime King and Frank Miller

With Frank Miller's The Spirit a certified flop, I'm starting to think Sin City 2 will never see the light of day, despite Miller saying that it's ready to shoot in April. However, we'll leave it to a beautiful actress like Jaime King (seen above with Frank) to tell us all about the problems that the sequel had in development. Back in the original Sin City, King played the luscious twin sisters Goldie and Wendy that Marv fooled around with. Not only did she show up in The Spirit, but she's also in My Bloody Valentine 3-D, which is how Collider caught up with her yesterday to talk all about Sin City 2's behind-the-scenes troubles.

The good news is that King confirms that Frank just finished the script (as was reported in December) and that she confidently does answers "yes" when asked if it will ever eventually get made. For those who love to hear more about what has been going on behind-the-scenes on Sin City 2, here's her rundown:

"I think when Sin City came out it was such a big hit for [The Weinstein Company] but the studio is frustrating... sometimes studios are awesome because they have a great vision for something, but then they want to do weird things with the second one. Robert [Rodriguez] didn't want to go down that route, so we've just be waiting till somebody knocked some sense into them, where we can do it the way we want to do it."

"None of the filmmakers or the actors were willing to sacrifice doing it any other way other than what we wanted to do it. I'm hoping we'll do it sometime this year. But you know how movies are... I remember I was with Robert and he said we're going in two months. I was like okay, we'll have to work out everybody's schedule. But then it got pushed. So you never really know with movies. It happens when it happens."

I guess the reason why we keep bringing up Sin City 2 and running tidbits of news like this is because it's a sequel we're anxious as hell to see! Especially after The Spirit, I'd much rather have Frank Miller going back to his "roots" with projects like this rather than other solo gigs like Buck Rogers. Speaking of Miller's involvement, King also did confirm that Miller's script uses existing material (from his comics) as well as new ideas written especially for this sequel. We can only hope that this gets the greenlight soon. That is, as long as The Weinstein Company hasn't completely given up on the idea of ever making another Sin City!


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I'm not even gonna make the same Spirit IS Sin City 2 joke I've been flailing around, but... The Spirit was Sin City 2

Kail on Jan 11, 2009


the spirit was far from Sin City 2, Kail. The Spirit had surreal situations like Sin City, but the characters were the dividing factor. In Sin City their emotions were grounded in reality, while in the Spirt the characters were far to goofy.

Al on Jan 11, 2009


well, the unique style has warn off and Sin City 2 will be crappy. It will sell however simply because of its star-studded cast

jimmy on Jan 11, 2009


man that frank miller guy is some serious fugly whitetrash

johnny on Jan 12, 2009


The shooting style for Sin City works for it, because it matches the comic. For fans of the Sin City series, 2 could be just as good as the first... There are so many more stories to use... We'll see...

Nate Mac on Jan 12, 2009


Is it just me or does Frank Miller look like freddy krueger?

BadKarma on Jan 12, 2009


The Spirit and Sin City 2 are two different beasts. Yeah they both have Frank Miller as a common factor, but don't get me wrong Frank Miller is a better graphic novelist that a director. So if you raise the stake by throwing Robert Rodriguez into the mix then you have a different ball game. Frank Miller resumes his co-director spot adding insight to how he invasion a on screen version of his book. Therefore, Robert Rodriguez can resumes his role as director, writer, producer, editor, and so on. with the same combination of people the movie should true out to be perry good if not better than the first and way better than the The Spirit.

Orren Jensen on Jan 12, 2009


We're all thinking, "Sin City is a Rodriguez production - and The Spirit is a Frank Miller production". Thank goodness Sin City 2 will be a Rodriguez production. The Spirit was not drawn in the style that Frank Miller is famous for - it looks like he simply tried to cash in on the draw of his name and the style of Sin City to sucker in viewers for The Spirit. I have a lot of respect for Miller as an artisit. Not so much as a director. All Hail Robert Rodriguez - I wonder when he's going to remake "My Name is Nobody." ?

ian on Jan 12, 2009

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