Church Planting in a Struggling Economy

The down-turning economy is impacting local churches and church planting. Here are a few other examples:

  • One church planter spoke about his funding coming to an end in a few months and the pressure to find ways to bring in ‘new tithers’ to help make ends meet. If this does not happen he will have to find a part-time job. Lately, we have received more requests to the Tentmaker Group for people who are struggling to make ends meet and seek additional streams of income.
  • Existing church offerings are down. Many of the leaders I have spoken to say this has been about 20% lower since earlier giving. This may limit their ability to fund new church plants.
  • Numerous people have been laid-off that were once church staff.
  • Attendance at Church Planting conferences are down sharply, which may be a sign of the inability to afford the cost to attend or in a decrease the number of plants.
  • How does this new economic reality change the way churches are planted? Are church planters moving to more organic & decentralized models? Will there be more bi-vocational church planters? Will more church doors close, consolidating Christians into larger churches?