The Rainbow Warrior is coming to the UK

Posted by bex — 8 October 2008 at 1:15pm - Comments

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She's our world famous flagship, she's helped to win Greenpeace campaigns across the globe and now she's coming to the UK to persuade Gordon Brown to Give Coal the Boot.

As I write, the Rainbow Warrior II is winging her way from Greece towards UK waters. She's due to arrive for a two week tour in around 10 days' time - and you're invited to come on board and meet the crew: book your boarding pass here.

As well as open days, there'll be political visits, campaign seminars and a journey along the Kent coastline to highlight how Kent is threatened by climate change. I'll be blogging from the ship throughout the tour so, if you can't make it in person, follow the ship tour blog or sign up for daily email updates:

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For the past few months, the Warrior has been telling governments around the world to quit coal and join the clean energy revolution. The ship is on her way to Poland for crucial climate talks in December - and is coming to the UK to tell Brown to Give Coal the Boot and embrace an energy revolution based on efficiency, renewables and combined heat and power instead.

I'll keep you updated. In the meantime, if you're as excited as I am, feel free to keep compulsively checking the Rainbow Warrior webcam instead of doing any proper work:

rainbow warrior webcam

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