Sunday, October 14, 2007

Recipes for Salmon - Salmon Loaf Recipes

I'm pretty sure you're looking for other recipes for salmon that you want to try or add to your lists of great recipes. Well, check out these one I've got and let me know what do you reckon. It's the salmon loaf recipes.

Salmon Loaf Recipes - BAKED SALMON LOAF - I

Put a cupful of milk into a double-boiler and add enough bread crumbs to make a smooth paste. Cook until thick, stirring constantly. Add a can of salmon, chopped, half a cupful of cream, salt and red pepper to season and three eggs beaten separately, folding in the stiffly beaten whites last. Mix thoroughly, pour into a buttered mould, set into a pan of hot water, and bake until firm in a moderate oven.

Salmon Loaf Recipes - SALMON LOAF - II

Mash a can of salmon, add the juice of a lemon, and half a cupful of fresh bread-crumbs, three tablespoonfuls of minced parsley, four tablespoonfuls of melted butter and four eggs beaten separately, folding in the stiffly beaten whites last. Put into a buttered mould and steam for an hour. Add to the oil drained from the salmon one cupful of boiling milk, one tablespoonful of cornstarch rubbed smooth in a little cold milk, and a tablespoonful of butter. Cook until thick, stirring constantly, take from the fire, add one egg well beaten, a teaspoonful of tomato catsup and mace and pepper to season. Turn the mould out on a platter and pour the sauce around it.

Be sure to visit back for more salmon loaf recipes and exciting and enjoyable ways how to cook salmon. Got a visitor and need to entertain. Check out later:)

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