What's your plan (if you have one) for communicating compensation?
With widely divergent views around the posting of cooperative compensation, what’s your plan for ...
by Inman Jun 12
Newrez laying off nearly 500 workers after Rithm acquisitions
Pending layoffs of 420 Newrez employees in Colorado and 53 workers in Florida follow $1.4 billion ...
by Matt Carter Jun 11
Offerpad takes cash offer program to Realtor.com
Offerpad is the latest company to join Realtor.com’s Seller’s Marketplace. Both companies said the ...
by Marian McPherson Jun 11
Oren Alexander steps down from Official in wake of rape allegations
The luxury firm co-founder announced his resignation via Instagram days after news broke that he ...
by Lillian Dickerson Jun 11
Calgary offers possible way forward for office conversions
Calgary has instituted one of the most aggressive programs in North America to encourage the ...
by Ben Verde Jun 11


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