Compass recruits top-performing Redfin agent in Washington
Hal Bennett is based in the Seattle metro area. He joins Compass as brokerages continue to compete ...
by Jim Dalrymple II Jun 5
Mortgage rates retreat as wave of data suggests economy is cooling
In less than a week, a series of reports has changed the outlook for the timing and magnitude of ...
by Matt Carter Jun 5
Derek Jeter finds buyer for New York castle after 6 years
Located 50 miles from Manhattan in the town of Greenwood Lake, New York, Tiedemann Castle has seen ...
by Ben Verde Jun 5
Boost your social skills, boost your business: Strategies for success
Tune in to Inman Access and dive into the importance of people skills, strategies to connect better ...
by Claire Buzzanca Jun 5
RealScout becomes LeadingRE's newest preferred vendor
California-based proptech leader RealScout has become Leading Real Estate Companies of the World’s ...
by Marian McPherson Jun 5


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