O'Hanlon Primary Update

I finally took the opportunity to watch Chris Wallace's Fox News Sunday interview with Kenneth Pollack and Michael O'Hanlon and it includes this intriguing dialogue:

WALLACE: Now, am I right that both of you are supporting Senator Clinton's campaign for president? Is that correct?

O'HANLON: It's correct in my case.

POLLACK: I think that we...

WALLACE: You don't have to announce right now if you don't want to, Ken. But go ahead.

POLLACK: I was just going to say, we both work at the Brookings Institution. It's a non-partisan organization. We make our calls based on what we see.

If you watch the video clip, Pollack appears to be stifling an affirmative answer, but I'm not sure. My main focus, however, is on O'Hanlon due to the previously declared Michael O'Hanlon Primary. Obviously, O'Hanlon endorsing Clinton isn't the same as Clinton promising to give O'Hanlon a high-level position, but it's not all that different either.

Matthew Yglesias is a former writer and editor at The Atlantic.