Endorsement Call

I'm on hold as we speak for a conference call with what Hillary Clinton's campaign is promising will be a significant new endorser.

UPDATE: It's Wesley Clark, which is what my smarter-than-me friends said last night.

UPDATE II: This seems pretty significant to me, at least in the little corner of the universe where I operate. There's obviously a lot of admiration for General Clark among the netroots, both as someone who's engaged with bloggers over the years, and as someone who's shown sound judgment on Iraq. Thus far, the endorsement from the national security world that HRC has wracked up have had a slightly double-edged-sword quality to them, the sort of thing likely to make me cluck about Very Serious People and so forth. Clark's not like that, and he's making the case that she not only has sound views on Iraq looking forward, but also the experience and judgment necessary to operate in what's necessarily going to be a difficult situation.

UPDATE III: Bottom-line, Clark didn't say anything earth-shattering (though he did make the point that the president, in his or her national security role, needs to tackle an extremely broad range of issues beyond Iraq and that he's most confident that Clinton is prepared to take on all of those challenges) but it's a useful reminder/signal/whatever that a President Clinton would, in fact, expand her circle of foreign policy thinkers beyond the group of hawks who was with her in 2002-2003 and looked set to be the dominant influence in a Clinton administration.

Matthew Yglesias is a former writer and editor at The Atlantic.