McCain and Bush

John McCain is clearly defensive about the allegation that his election would represent a third Bush term. And, obviously, as I've noted before McCain would represent a change from Bush. But still, on Iraq, whatever you make of the comparative Bush and McCain records, McCain is promising to continue Bush's policies. On Iran, he's promising to continue Bush's policies. On North Korea, he's promising to repudiate Bush's current policy in favor of Bush's earlier, failed policy. On judges, he's promising to continue Bush's policies. On taxes, he's promising to continue Bush's policies.

This last one is important, because fundamentally it's going to be very different to make substantial changes in the domestic policy sphere as long as you're committed to Bush's tax policy.

That does leave us with the important issue of climate change wherein McCain, though worse than Obama, would constitute a major improvement of Bush. That and mixed martial arts, where despite McCain's love of boxing and hatred of over-regulation, he thinks the government ought to step in and put a stop to Kimbo Slice.

Matthew Yglesias is a former writer and editor at The Atlantic.