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Podcasting and New Media in Education (Part I)

October 10th, 2006

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Mark Frydenberg of Bentley College hosts a discussion about the educational uses of media as part of the Berkman Centers Tuesday Luncheon Series.

After Frydenberg realized that most students weren’t listening to his podcasts of course lectures, he asked students to create the podcasts instead. Find out how student-created podcasts changed the learning process both inside and outside the classroom, and see examples of what is possible with some technical know-how, a web cam, and a bit of imagination.

Video produced by Indigo Tabor and Colin Rhinesmith. VideoBerkman is a production of MediaBerkman, brought to you by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School.

This video was originally shared on by VideoBerkman with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
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Entry Filed under: Berkman Center,Berkman Luncheon Series,Education,video

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