Candidates for 01/09/2009

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20090108 A 18.35 29.15 3728049 2
20090108 AAWW 24.05 42.48 333262 2
20090108 ACTU 3.42 3.77 435656 2
20090108 ADBE 24.29 35.06 8347132 2
20090108 AKS 13 41.06 8560060 2, 3, 4, 5
20090108 ARO 20.44 28.00 3300927 2, 3, 4, 5
20090108 BLC 2.2 6.26 972245 2
20090108 BRCD 3.82 6.14 5704778 2, 3
20090108 CAR .99 6.90 2120566 2
20090108 CATY 19.25 18.52 594517 1, 3
20090108 CCI 20 30.92 3609264 2
20090108 CCOI 7.3 10.91 664084 2, 3
20090108 CHB .84 5.12 1687697 2
20090108 CHKP 21.21 22.28 2361990 2
20090108 CYH 17.97 28.41 1610162 2, 3
20090108 DK 6.36 8.48 336989 2
20090108 DPZ 6.26 10.27 521637 2
20090108 EYE 8.75 16.07 1248893 2, 3, 4
20090108 GTIV 26.05 23.40 286545 1, 3, 4, 5
20090108 HAFC 2.95 5.02 470575 2, 3
20090108 HNT 13.71 22.39 1846145 2, 3
20090108 IOC 17.4 21.90 572101 2, 3, 4, 5
20090108 IR 19.93 32.05 4720346 2, 3
20090108 ISLE 4.09 5.82 277476 2
20090108 KCI 21.34 32.96 1104641 2, 3
20090108 LNG 3.85 5.01 743158 2
20090108 LNUX 1.25 1.35 330241 2
20090108 LPNT 24.4 28.07 983144 2, 3
20090108 LVLT 1.32 2.37 23592621 2, 3, 4, 5
20090108 MEG 3.45 10.51 383403 2
20090108 NBG 4.1 7.84 727962 2
20090108 OFG 7.38 15.60 338205 2, 3
20090108 PIM 4.45 5.39 348985 2
20090108 PMI 2.7 3.37 2967429 2, 3, 4
20090108 PPL 32.75 41.44 2983535 2, 3
20090108 PTIE 6.32 8.14 331122 2
20090108 RACK 5.08 9.58 412232 2
20090108 RUTH 2.18 4.44 276013 2
20090108 S 2.58 6.30 37743375 2, 3
20090108 SFE .86 1.16 355970 2
20090108 SPAR 5.8 5.82 355713 2
20090108 SVNT 7.66 17.31 1670234 2
20090108 SVU 17.8 24.06 3061322 2, 3, 4, 5
20090108 TGIC .76 1.53 374636 2
20090108 UHS 39.63 53.57 702907 2
20090108 VNDA .76 2.25 296114 2
20090108 YRCW 4.68 12.19 2479000 2
20090108 ZUMZ 9.18 14.49 453225 2, 3

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!