Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mystery Solved!

Remember back two months ago when there were "stools" being made in our bathtub? No, not the kind of stools that sent Daddy running out, shrieking like a little girl. The kind that KK was making that were red and circular, with a button that went "beep".

Well, I might have finally figured out what she was talking about. For about a month, she quit making them. Then one day, when Daddy was bathing the kids, I overheard her making them again.

She squirted water in the cup, pumped in some sugar from the shower release, and put them on the edge of the tub to cook. Just like before.

Daddy asked what she was making. "I making foonies", she replied. (Foonies = Smoothies)

Ah, yes... now that makes sense. I much prefer foonies over stools, thank you very much.

1 comment:

  1. I heartedly laughed out loud when I read this blog. Yes, sitting here in my office, re-reading and enjoying your blogs. I am so blessed to have my 2 amazing children, who have incredible spouses, who have become the most outstanding parents to their children. There is never a doubt about your perfection in anything -you could do everything you think is wrong but in my mind - you are perfect!

    Always the proud mama and so very blessed that God chose peanut and her brother to be my children.


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