If Your Goal Requires Concentration, Try Chocolate

by Brad Isaac on October 18, 2006

I knew there was a reason I loved Dark and Milk Chocolate.  A study at Wheeling Jesuit University comparing chocolates found milk chocolate can give “the most improvement in concentration, response time and recall of words and images on computerized tests.”

  • Dark Chocolate Antioxidants fight heart disease, and several stimulants, including caffeine and theobromine, enhance brain activity for brief periods.
  • Milk Chocolate Low in antioxidant power, but stimulants plus sugar get your brain moving fast.
  • White Chocolate No cocoa color means no antioxidants. Fat and sugar add sweetness and empty calories.

Unfortunately, the scientists report you’ve got to eat a lot of it (2 bars) 15 minutes before your focus period. No word on whether you get a sugar crash afterward…

Technorati Tags: chocolate, psychology, concentration, antioxidants

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Zoe October 19, 2006 at 7:04 pm

GREAT! That’s what I wanted to hear. now I can keep on devouring chocolate and feel better about it.

Brad Isaac October 19, 2006 at 8:13 pm

I’m a chocoholic too – in small portions. My favorites are 1/2 a piece of deep dark chocolate cake, Ben and Jerry Phish food, or a chocolate chip cookie now and again. Not much into eating plain ole Hershey bars or other chocolate candies.

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