Tags: Desktop Sidebar, Yahoo! Widgets, Konfabulator, Widgets, Productivity Tools, Windows, Tips
Given that yesterday I created a rather lengthy weblog entry I thought that today I would just create a quick post to actually share with you one particular productivity tip that I have been enjoying myself for the last few weeks. It actually has got to do with a piece of freeware that one colleague of mine shared in his Intranet weblog some time ago and which he thought would be worth while checking for other folks. And I must say that it surely is because it provides a new, and interesting, experience with your own (Windows) desktop. It is called Desktop Sidebar and you can download it from here.
Long time readers from this weblog would probably remember how in the past I have been weblogging a few times about what it used to be Konfabulator, now Yahoo! Widgets. Another superb piece of freeware that would allow you to have a number of different widgets with lots of different bits and pieces of information readily available directly from your Windows desktop. Yes, I know that Mac fans do have similar capabilities available. In fact, it all started with them
Well, I have been using Yahoo! Widgets for a number of months now and have been making use of it quite extensively all along and *loved* the experience thus far. Till I actually read that other weblog post from that colleague of mine in his Intranet weblog where he encouraged folks to give a try to Desktop Sidebar. So I did. And WOW! I got rid of Yahoo! Widgets! I now got a new favourite Windows desktop tool, called Desktop Sidebar and with some really nifty features.
To start with, it comes up with the following set of pre-installed panels:
Not bad, eh? Well, it gets better. Because, perhaps one of the best, and most interesting, things is the fact that there is also an ever growing set of additional plugins that people have been creating and making available on the main Web site. Really nice! Certainly a very healthy sign that this particular piece of free software has got a long history of enhancement after enhancement. There is almost a plugin available to perform an incredible set of actions or get information from a wider range of information resources.
Thus you can see why I have now switched over from Yahoo! Widgets to Desktop Sidebar. I could go on and on and on detailing some more about the different features and so forth, but I am just going to leave it over here and just encourage you all to download it and give it a try for a week, in case you haven’t done so already. I bet you will not be back. At least, I haven’t. Oh, and before you ask, yes, this is an application for those of us still on Windows
Enjoy it!