What Dance Are You?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 | | 3 comments »

That's me alright :-)

You Are Disco Dancing

You are very energetic and lively. You could dance all night.

Fun loving and social, you like dancing best when everyone in the room is dancing.

You love to dance to anything, and it's hard to stop once you start.

You love dancing in a crowd. And no matter how big the crowd, all eyes are usually on you.


  1. Anonymous // July 23, 2008 at 5:27 AM  

    Wow...mine is Ballet...who would have thought.

    You are quite introverted. You enjoy keeping to yourself and cultivating your talents.
    You are dedicated and focused. If practice makes perfect, you're willing to keep practicing.

    While some people may dismiss you as boring, you can be quite edgy and interesting.
    You can fit in almost anywhere... and your style ranges from conservative to funky.

  2. Unknown // July 24, 2008 at 5:20 PM  

    Good Morning.... Fun Quiz... this is what I am!

    You Are Belly Dancing

    You are sensual and naturally sexy. Never trashy, though.
    You are comfortable in your own skin. You don't have hangups about your body.

    You are confident and playful. You love showing off.
    You tend to be a little dominant and assertive... but only in a flirtatious way!

    Have a great day! Christina


  3. island wench // July 25, 2008 at 8:22 PM  

    Ballet and Belly Dancing... I'm green with envy; they both are far more interesting than Disco...

    But the profile does fit me better. :-)