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Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Manly Gift Ideas

There are several ideas I have roaming around my crafty brain but for now here are some links to other great gift ideas I've discovered for the men in our lives.

I found the cutest idea over at the longthread. I never would have thought about using old records this way but make sure they're not valuable or a collectable!!!

Sew Mama Sew has some clever ideas from soap to knitted hats.

We all know how men love to eat! Simple jar gifts coupled the baked product is a great idea for any man. The baked product will satisfy their immediate hunger while the jar (with a recipe card) will allow them to enjoy a repeat later!

I stumbled on The Art of Manliness a month or so ago simply by accident. A fantastic accident, I might add! I subscribed for my husband, but have found the site fascinating. It's written by men and for men so is it no wonder they have a list of gift ideas for men (sure it's intended for groomsmen but, they're still MEN aren't they!) I specifically liked the dopp kit and the keepsake box.

What creative gifts do you plan to give your man this year?

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