Trustee Fees

2007-06-07 by

Today TaxMama hears from Phil in South Carolina who tells us. “I manage my parents’ Trust and hold the Power Of Attorney for their estate. The Trust states that I am to be compensated for these services. Is there a general rule of thumb for compensation for these services?”

Hi Phil,

That’s a good question – and one that’s often a sensitive issue among families.

Families often expect you to do all that work for nothing. So the laws do provide guidelines.

The guidelines can be found in each state’s laws. Often, they will be part of the Probate Law codes – not the tax codes.

There’s a decent explanation of the concept here by Phil Craig:

In found you a link to the South Carolina Probate Code. See if you can find the information here,

I hope all this works smoothly for you and your parents.

And remember, you’ll find answers to lots of questions, about estates and trusts and other tax information, free. Where? At

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Article by attorney Phil Craig
South Caroline Code of Laws
Probate Code

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  1. RogerPhung Says:


    I have read the taxquips. It is an excellent info.

    I will STICK AROUND for good, and will take EA course from TaxMama soon.


  2. Eva Rosenberg Says:

    [blush] THANK YOU, Roger.

    You've made my day!



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