Trustee Theft

2007-09-11 by

Today we hear from Jack in Oregon who wants to know, “If a co-trustee of a irrevocable trust converts trust assets for his own use, can the trust take a theft loss deduction on the trust tax return?”

Dear Jack,

That’s a crummy thing to do – steal from a trust.

And to make it worse, there’s no theft if you don’t report the theft to the authorities, is there?

There may be a taxable event that might cause the trust to be voided and/or penalties to be assessed against the trust and/or the trustees.

Then, you want to try to take a theft loss deduction?

From correspondence with IRS on other matters, they’ve made it clear, citing Tax Court cases, that IRS won’t accept theft losses, unless criminal charges are filed against the thief, and/or documentable attempts are made to recover the assets, including a lawsuit.

Consider contacting Bob Sommer’s the Tax Prophet to help you research your options and actions you can take. He’s a tax attorney and has some expertise in this area.

Also, our expert readers may have some ideas. Stay tuned.

And remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about Trusts and all kinds of other tax issues, free. Where? Where else? At

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All Comments RSS

  1. Blakely Sanford Says:

    Jack has a fiduciary responsiblility to the beneficiaries of the trust to watch over the trust assets. If he does not persue cival as and possibly criminal actions against the other co-trustee, to get the assets restored, he may be sued by the beneficiaries for neglegence in his duties.

  2. Thomas Avery Blair, EA Says:

    Given the theft by the co-trustee from the trust, should civil or criminal charges not recover the funds, might the other trustee consider issuing a 1099-MISC where at least (1) it would be a deduction for the trust, and (2) the thief would have to pay tax on his or her ill-gotten gain? Just a thought.


    Thomas Avery Blair, EA
    (alias Tom "the TAXMAN" Blair)


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