Medical Amendment

2009-02-09 by

Today TaxMama hears from Angie in North Carolina. She tells us, “I have already filed my taxes. I had enough in medical bills to file, but didn’t realize until I had already filed. Gross income was $30,000 and my medical bills out of pocket were $2,400 (which is very unusual). Would be worth while to file a amendment?”

Dear Angie,

Aaah, the price of speed.

Unfortunately, there’s no point in filing an amended return. The medical expenses you may actually be able to deduct are less than $150. You may only deduct the excess cost over
7.5% of your adjusted gross income ($2,250).

If you weren’t already itemizing because you have a mortgage, you wouldn’t be able to use them anyway.

If you were itemizing, the additional deduction would be worth less than $25 in refunds. Personally, I wouldn’t risk IRS scrutiny of my whole return for that kind of money.

But if you want to file an amended return anyway, see if the software you used will allow you to file the amended return for free. Some online programs will do that. If not, the cost of the amended return will exceed your refunds.

And remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about medical expenses and other tax issues, free. Where? Where else? At

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  1. Dawn J Renner Says:

    If she does file an amended return – remember to include mileage in the medical expenses – it's not always that large an amount, but it's one that people OFTEN forget.

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