KOK Elite

Kristiansand, Sørlandet, Norge

fredag 30. mai 2008

EOC Middle Distance Qualification – 3 of 5 KOK-Runners in the final

With Daniel Hubmann, Baptiste Rollier and Christian Bobach, KOK is represented with 3 runners in the Middle Distance final tomorrow.

Our youngster Christian Bobach reached his first final at the senior level. He was placed on the last spot for the final (only 2:27 down the lead!). In his qualification field, big names like the swiss world champion Matthias Merz were out of a final place!

Daniel Hubmann and Baptiste Rollier showed again strong performances and reached place 3 and 6 in their field. Daniel already won 2 silver medals but it seems that he is physically and mentally still fresh.

Again bad luck had our French runner Damien Renard. He was only 12 seconds out of a final place. He lost almost 3 minutes to control nr. 5. After this mistake, he was pushing extremely hard almost managed it to be in the final.

Also out of a final place was Jon Duncan. The split times shows, that he had a quite a big mistake at the end of the race.

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