Las Vegas Sun

June 5, 2024

Silverado choir performs fitting holiday concert

Students enjoy colorful Christmas Eve ceremony at Oasis Christian Church

Silverado Choir

Richard Brian

Members of the Silverado High School Chamber Choir perform their holiday concert of the season at Oasis Christian Church on Christmas Eve.

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Dressed in tuxedos and black and white gowns the Silverado High School Chamber Choir belted out Christmas classics in their last holiday concert of the season at Oasis Christian Church on Christmas Eve.

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Oasis Christian Church members attend a Christmas Eve concert put on by the Silverado High School Chamber Choir. Pastor Doug Linderman reminded the audience of the true meaning of the holiday and left them with this message: "You are a treasure to God," he said.

Christmas trees shimmered and poinsettias dotted the stage with bright color as the students entered the hall, walking two-by-two and harmonizing on their way to filling the risers on the center of the stage.

After performing for a myriad of people at places including the Gift of Lights at Sunset Park, Opportunity Village’s Magical Forest and the Henderson Pavilion, the Silverado High School Chamber Choir belted out its last set of holiday songs of the season at Oasis Christian Church on Christmas Eve.

The school’s choir director Klark Black told the crowd the group was thankful for being invited to sing on such a great night.

Senior Jessica Welch said she thought it was appropriate to spend Christmas Eve performing in a church, as a lot of times in school people will frown on sending out a spiritual message.

“It’s nice to sing somewhere where we can have that aspect of the song, because it’s what Christmas is all about,” she said.

Dressed in tuxedos and black and white gowns, the group launched into “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” as the packed rows of congregants before them watched attentively.

Black said to prepare for their shows, the choir group practices at 6:30 a.m. every school day as part of an early bird class. Learning the songs, however, was not a problem Black said since the group sings the same classics year after year.

The group harmonized through “Deck the Halls,” while the words “Love,” “Acceptance,” “Forgiveness” and “Accountability” flashed on screens on both sides of the stage and Pastor Doug Linderman prepared his sermon.

The stories of the manger and the wise men were then told and Linderman gave a message to everyone present.

“You are a treasure to God,” he said.

As the sermon wound down, candles were lit and glow sticks set alight, for the younger audience members, to the tune of “Silent Night.”

“I think they were tremendous and the harmonizing was excellent,” said audience member and grandmother of a choir member Connie Close.

“It was wonderful, a real blessing,” said church member Cheryl Singletary.

Choir member Carolina Gamazo, a senior, said the performances definitely set the tone for the holidays.

“We do so many gigs, we can’t wait till Christmas gets here and this is definitely a nice way to end things,” she said.

Ashley Livingston can be reached at 990-8925 or [email protected]

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