Las Vegas Sun

June 5, 2024

Therapy dog stolen from home

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Camela was supposed to go to someone who needed a friend. Instead the Australian Shepherd-Collie mix was dog-napped by burglars on Dec. 19 in the Desert Shores community of Northwest Las Vegas.

Jason Smith is the state director of Best Buddies, a non-profit organization that provides friends for people with intellectual disabilities. Though most buddies are human, Smith was training Camela as a therapy dog for the organization.

"When word got out that she was gone, I've had nonstop calls from all the people we serve. They're just heartbroken because they really, really, really love her," he said.

Smith is asking for help in recovering her. She is chipped and is wearing a collar with Smith's contact information.

Smith, a Henderson resident, trained Camela at his office in the West Valley. He left her at a friend's home near the office on Dec. 19.

The thieves also stole a large screen television and video game system and left quickly. Smith's friend was gone for about two hours, during which time the burglary occurred.

"They didn't go anywhere else in the house," Smith said. "He's confident that somebody was just sitting there waiting for him to leave."

Camela had been removed from her cage. Just 15 weeks old, she probably assumed the burglars were no threat.

"She would have ran up to them and played with them," Smith said.

Jeff Pope can be reached at 990-2688 or [email protected].

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